Autor: Sargon George Donabed

Joshua B. Stein has taught at Roger Williams University since 1969. He received his Ph D from St. Louis University in history and A.M. in Religious Studies from Brown University. His most recent book is Commentary on the Constitution from Plato to Rousseau (Lexington Books, 2011). Currently, he is working on a comparative study of the literature of the First World War and the Iliad.Sargon G. Donabed is Assistant Professor at Roger Williams University, where he teaches Middle Eastern history and religious studies. He serves on the advisory board of the journal Chronos, published by the University of Balamand in Lebanon. His work has been published in journals such as Folklore and National Identities. He is a recipient of The American Academic Research Institute Iraq (TAARII) grant for his work on Assyrian folklore of Iraq and is the co-editor of The Assyrian Heritage: Threads of Continuity and Influence (2012).

2 Ebooks de Sargon George Donabed

Sargon George Donabed & Joshua B. Stein: Religion and the State
The historiography of church-state relations in America and Europe remains a live cultural, religious, and political issue on both sides of the Atlantic. Even more, current political invocations of h …
Sargon George Donabed & Autumn Quezada-Grant: Decentering Discussions on Religion and State
This volume explores dynamic conversations through history between individuals and communities over questions about religion and state. Divided into two sections, our authors begin with consideration …