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<p><strong>1 Introduction</strong><br><strong>2 Examination Methods</strong><br>History<br>Functional Tests<br&g...
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<p><strong>1 Introduction</strong><br><strong>2 Examination Methods</strong><br>History<br>Functional Tests<br>Ophthalmoscopy<br>Objective Imaging Studies and Their Evaluation<br>Electrophysiologic Studies<br>Ultrasound Studies<br>Biopsy<br><strong>3 Appearance of Retinal and Choroidal Disorders</strong><br>Retinopathies with Focal or Mottled Lesions<br>Prominence of the Macula<br>Proliferation, Scarring, and Holes in the Macula<br>Depigmented and Pigmented Focal Lesions in the Macula<br>Macular Dystrophies with Mottled Lesions<br>Large Areas of Yellowish-White Exudative Retinopathy<br>Scattered Pigment Changes with Large Areas of Retinal and Choroidal Dystrophy<br>Peripheral Retinal and Choroidal Lesions<br>Retinal Detachments<br>Retinal Tumors<br><strong>4 Appearance of Vascular Disorders</strong><br>Ophthalmoscopic Structure of Fundus Vessels<br>Variants in the Course of the Retinal Vessels<br>Abnormal Vessels in the Retina<br>Rarefied and Elongated Vessels<br>Narrowed Arterioles and Congested Veins<br>Bleeding, Cotton-Wool Spots, Hard Exudates, and Retinal Edema<br>Capillary Aneurysms, Hard Exudates, Bleeding, and Neovascularization<br>Disorders Involving Primarily Retinal Bleeding<br>Peripheral Neovascularization of the Retina<br>Perivascular Infiltrates, Vascular Obliteration, and Retinal Bleeding in Inflammatory Vascular Disorders<br><strong>5 Phenomenology in Diseases of Vitreous Body</strong><br>Symptoms with Vitreous Opacities and Specific Examinations<br>Leukocoria<br>Blood Vessels in the Vitreous Body<br>Small Opacities in the Vitreous Body<br>Diffuse Opacities in the Vitreous Body<br>Large Opacities in the Vitreous Body<br><strong>6 Appearance of Optic Nerve Disorders</strong><br>Blurred Appearance, Hyperemia, and Protrusion—Optic Disc Edema<br>Pale, Often White, Sharply Demarcated Optic Disc—Optic Nerve Atrophy<br>Excavations of the Optic Nerve<br>Anomalous Tissue On and Adjacent to the Optic Disc<br><strong>7 Diseases without Conspicuous Changes of the Fundus</strong><br>Floaters<br>Unilateral Visual Impairment in Children—Amblyopia<br>Acute Visual Impairment with Normal Optic Disc<br>Color Vision Defects<br>Incipient Tapetoretinal Degeneration<br>Congenital Stationary Night Blindness (CSNB)<br>Night Blindness with Hereditary Deficiency of the Retinol-Binding Protein<br>Stimulation<br>Visual Agnosia</p>