Tabla de materias
Foreword vii
Ray C. Williams, DMD
Contributors ix
Acknowledgments xi
Section 1: Body-Mouth Connection: Relevant Pathologies Affecting Dental Treatment, Guidelines, Prevention, and Necessary Precautions 1
Chapter 1: Body Weight, Diet, and Periodontitis 3
Jean-Pierre Dibart, MD
Chapter 2: Diabetes and Periodontitis 11
Jean-Pierre Dibart, MD
Chapter 3: Osteonecrosis of the Jaw 17
Jean-Pierre Dibart, MD
Chapter 4: Periodontitis and Cardiovascular Disease 19
Jean-Pierre Dibart, MD
Chapter 5: Periodontitis, Arthritis, and Osteoporosis 27
Jean-Pierre Dibart, MD
Section 2: Osseous Surgery in Periodontal Therapy 35
Chapter 6: Resective Osseous Surgery 37
Oreste Zanni, DDS
Chapter 7: Regenerative Osseous Surgery: The Use of Growth Factor-Enhanced Bone Grafts 51
Ulrike Schulze-Späte, DMD, Ph D, Rayyan Kayal, DMD, DSc
Section 3: Osseous Surgery in Implant Therapy 67
Chapter 8: Introduction, History, and Emergence of Prosthetically Driven Implant Placement 69
Steven M. Morgano, DMD
Chapter 9: Interpretation of the Preoperative CT Scan: The Relationship of Anatomy and Occlusion to Implant Placement 75
Albert M. Price, DMD, DSc
Chapter 10: Immediate Implants: Controversy or Risk Assessment? 107
Albert M. Price, DMD, DSc
Chapter 11: Atraumatic Piezosurgical Extractions: A Solution for Bone Preservation 127
Yves Macia, DDS, Francis Louise, DDS
Chapter 12: The Minimally Invasive Maxillary Sinus Surgery 145
Part 1: Serge Dibart, DMD, Yun Po Zhang, Ph D, DDS (hon), Mingfang Su, DMD, MSc
Part 2: Yves Macia, DDS, Francis Louise, DDS
Part 3: Serge Dibart, DMD, Yun Po Zhang, Ph D, DDS (hon), Mingfang Su, DMD, MSc
Chapter 13: The Narrow Ridge in the Maxilla and the Mandible and Its Correction: Ridge Splitting Using Piezoelectric Surgery and Grafting with or without Simultaneous Implant Placement 159
Rima Abdallah, BDS, CAGS, DSc, Serge Dibart, DMD
Chapter 14: Autogenous Block Graft 179
Luigi Montesani, MD, DMD
Section 4: Osseous Surgery in Orthodontic Therapy 193
Chapter 15: Piezocision: Minimally Invasive Periodontally Accelerated Orthodontic Tooth Movement Procedure 195
Serge Dibart, DMD
Section 5: Future Directions and Dilemmas 203
Chapter 16: Computer-Assisted Implant Dentistry: Possibilities and Limitations 205
Saynur Vardar-Sengul, DDS, Ph D, CAGS
Chapter 17: Endodontic Microsurgery or Dental Implants? 227
Obadah Attar, BDS, Cert. Endodontics, Fellowship Implantology
Section 6: Restoration of the Placed Implant 247
Chapter 18: What Every Surgeon Needs to Know About Implant-Supported Prosthodontics 249
Steven M. Morgano, DMD, Mohamad outrach, DDS, Fahad Al-Harbi, BDS, MSD, DSc D
Index 263