Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. Femicide, the killing of women and girls because of their gender, was until recently included in the category ‘homicide’, obscuring the special features of this social and gendered phenomenon. However, the majority of murders of women are perpetrated by men whom they know from family ties and are the result of intimate partner violence or so-called ‘honour’ killings.
This book is the first one on femicide in Europe and presents the findings of a four-year project discussing various aspects of femicide. Written by leading international scholars with an interdiscplinary perspective, it looks at the prevention programmes and comparative quantitative and qualitative data collection, as well as the impact of culture. It proposes the establishment of a European Observatory on Femicide as a new direction for the future, showing the benefits of cross-national collaboration, united to prevent the murder of women and girls.
Tabla de materias
Research and prevention of femicide across Europe ~ Shalva Weil
Femicide definitions ~ Magdalena Grzyb, Marceline Naudi, Chaime Marcuello-Servós
Data collection: challenges and opportunities ~ Monika Schröttle, Ksenia Meshkova
Understanding and preventing femicide using a cultural and ecological approach ~ Christiana Kouta, Santiago Boira, Anita Nudelman, Aisha K. Gill
Prevention of femicide ~ Anna Costanza Baldry, Marie José Magalhães
Exploring the data on femicide across Europe ~ Consuelo Corradi, Anna Costanza Baldry, Sümeyra Buran, Christiana Kouta, Monika Schröttle, Ljiljana Stevkovic
Towards a European Observatory on Femicide ~ Shalva Weil and Marceline Naudi
Sobre el autor
Dr Marceline Naudi is a social worker by profession and a Senior Lecturer within the Department of Gender Studies, at the University of Malta. She teaches and supervises student research on gender issues, violence against women and other anti-oppressive issues. She is active on the issues of gender equality and violence against women, LGBTIQ, as well as wider human rights issues in Malta and throughout Europe. She is currently a board member of the Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE) network, and vice president of GREVIO, the Council of Europe monitoring body of the Istanbul Convention. She will be heading a European Observatory on Femicide starting in January 2018.