A handbook on recent advancements and the state of the art in
array processing and sensor Networks
Handbook on Array Processing and Sensor Networks provides
readers with a collection of tutorial articles contributed by
world-renowned experts on recent advancements and the state of the
art in array processing and sensor networks.
Focusing on fundamental principles as well as applications, the
handbook provides exhaustive coverage of: wavelets; spatial
spectrum estimation; MIMO radio propagation; robustness issues in
sensor array processing; wireless communications and sensing in
multi-path environments using multi-antenna transceivers; implicit
training and array processing for digital communications systems;
unitary design of radar waveform diversity sets; acoustic array
processing for speech enhancement; acoustic beamforming for hearing
aid applications; undetermined blind source separation using
acoustic arrays; array processing in astronomy; digital 3D/4D
ultrasound imaging technology; self-localization of sensor
networks; multi-target tracking and classification in collaborative
sensor networks via sequential Monte Carlo; energy-efficient
decentralized estimation; sensor data fusion with application to
multi-target tracking; distributed algorithms in sensor networks;
cooperative communications; distributed source coding; network
coding for sensor networks; information-theoretic studies of
wireless networks; distributed adaptive learning mechanisms;
routing for statistical inference in sensor networks; spectrum
estimation in cognitive radios; nonparametric techniques for
pedestrian tracking in wireless local area networks; signal
processing and networking via the theory of global games;
biochemical transport modeling, estimation, and detection in
realistic environments; and security and privacy for sensor
Handbook on Array Processing and Sensor Networks is the
first book of its kind and will appeal to researchers, professors,
and graduate students in array processing, sensor networks,
advanced signal processing, and networking.
Sobre el autor
Simon Haykin, Ph D, is a Distinguished University Professor at Mc Master University, Hamilton, Ontario. K. J. Ray Liu is a Distinguished Scholar-Teacher at the University of Maryland, College Park. He is the recipient of numerous honors and awards including best paper awards from IEEE Signal Processing Society, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, and EURASIP, as well as recognition from the University of Maryland, including Invention of the Year Award, Poole and Kent Senior Faculty Teaching Award, and Outstanding Faculty Research Award. Dr. Liu is a Fellow of the IEEE and AAAS.