‘Dream Big Young King’ follows a young boy who becomes inspired by his school’s upcoming Career Day event.
Initially uncertain about his future, he explores several career options. With the encouragement of his supportive family and teacher, he began to contemplate various career paths and the impact he could make in different professions. Through his imagination, he envisions himself in different professions, ranging from engineer to president of the United States. Each career possibility sparks his interest and highlights his desire to help others and make a difference in the world. It also emphasizes the importance of dreaming big, staying determined and true to yourself, while following one’s passions to achieve success. ‘Dream Big Young King’ inspires young readers to think outside the box and pursue their aspirations without limitations. Echoing the encouragement from his mother to ‘Dream Big Young King, ‘ he invites the reader to do the same.
Sobre el autor
Tequila Smith has over a decade of experience as an esteemed educator. She is dedicated to fostering an environment where children are inspired to envision boundless possibilities for their futures. Tequila Smith has also served with distinction with child protective services as an investigator to safeguard vulnerable youth and facilitate their transition to secure environments conducive to fostering positive trajectories for their lives.