Sobre el autor
Dr. Stanley Brunn is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Geography at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA. He has edited many books on world urbanization, ...
Sobre el autor
Dr. Stanley Brunn is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Geography at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA. He has edited many books on world urbanization, social geography, political geography, terrorism and post 9-11, e-commerce, Wal-Mart, geography and time/space issues, law and justice, human/environmental issues, disciplinary history, image and representation, and several atlases (Michigan, US elections and Central Asia). In addition to these he has published many articles and chapters in the past half-century and made more than 100 presentations at national and international conferences. In addition to writing, he has edited two of geography’s flagship journals
(Annals of the American Association of Geographers and
The Professional Geographer), taught classes in almost twenty different countries and reviewed dozens of research proposals, articles, books and manuscripts.
Dr. Roland Kehrein is a scholar of German Linguisticsat Marburg University, Germany, specializing in variation and change of regional languages. He has written and edited several books on this and related topics in the last decade. Among these are two international handbooks:
Regionale Variation des Deutschen. Projekte und Perspektiven (2015) and
Language and Space: An International Handbook of Linguistic Variation. Vol. 2: Language Mapping (2010) (two volumes) published in the well-known series
Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science. Since 2016 he is chief editor of the academic journal/book series
Germanistische Linguistik. Besides these publications he has written numerous articles in the field and he is continuously presenting his research at relevant international conferences. Finally, he is regularly involved in review processes for conference contributions, articles and research proposals.