The contributors to this volume show that the themes of empire, colony, and national liberation movements can be addressed in a European continental as much as in Asian, Latin American, or African contexts. There is a further benefit from a within-Europe comparison: It calls into question the tendency to assume fundamental differences between “western” and “eastern” Europe, including the now largely abandoned distinction between a “western” nationalism, defined as a civil nationalism, and an “eastern” one, defined as ethnic. It also answers the question whether intra-European comparison of this kind is possible, in a context where post-Soviet scholarship is often invisible in Anglo-American scholarship. As Norman Davies reminds us, low public awareness of Europe’s smaller and, in west-European minds, “more distant” nations, underlies the persistence of false generalizations about them, including assumptions like “that the whole of the west was advanced while the whole of the east was backward.”
Sobre el autor
Paul Robert Magocsi is professor of history and political science at the University of Toronto, where he holds the John Yaremko Chair of Ukrainian Studies. He is the author of hundreds of works in the field of history, sociolinguistics, cartography, bibliography, and immigration studies.