Social Constructivism and Christianity explores whether social constructivism and biblical Christianity can be compatible with one another, without being unfaithful to either. This short book Includes discussion of constructivism, reification, absolute truth, and interacting with Truth from both relational and rationale cultural knowledge systems. The primary audience is North American, though others may find the considerations herein to be useful and applicable to their context.
Tabla de materias
Chapter One: Introduction
What this booklet attempts to accomplish
The journey ahead
Chapter Two: Constructivism
Radical Constructivism
Social Constructivism
Cybernetic Constructivism
A Summary of Constructivism
Assigning Values and the Trap of Reification
Ontological Options
Power and Society
The Necessity of Subjectivity
Chapter Three: Common Christian Problems with Constructivism
Absolute Truth
Turning Toward Synthesis
Chapter Four: Relational Truth and Rational Truth
How this Approach Connects to the Previous Chapters
Ways of Knowing: An Oversimplifed Introduction
Rational Knowing
Relational Knowing
Constructivism and Knowing
Fundamental Truth
Knowing Truth Differently
The Absolutist and Moralist and Truth
Where Do We Go from Here?