There is currently a lot of interest within veterinary medicine in
both dermatology and exotics, yet, despite this interest, there is
no single text available that focuses on both these key
This book, for the first time, provides a practical guide to
dermatological problems in birds, reptiles, fish and mammals.
Divided into the four groups, each section has a chapter
introducing the structure and function of the skin of each group, a
chapter on examination and diagnostic tests, and further chapters
on species specific skin diseases and treatments.
Written in a quick reference format and including almost 200
colour photographs, this book is a handy resource for veterinary
practitioners, veterinary students and veterinary dermatologists
Tabla de materias
List of Abbreviations.
List of Contributors.
Section One: Dermatology of Birds (Simon
1. Structure and Function of Bird Skin.
2. Examination of Avian Skin and Diagnostic Tests.
Mary Fraser..
3. Skin Diseases and Treatment of Caged Birds.
4. Skin Diseases and Treatment of Raptors.
5. Skin Diseases and Treatment of Waterfowl..
Section Two: Dermatology of Reptiles (Gidona
6. Structure and Function of Reptile Skin.
7. Examination of Reptile Skin and Diagnostic Tests.
8. Skin Diseases and Treatment of Snakes.
9. Skin Diseases and Treatment of Lizards.
10. Skin Diseases and Treatment of Chelonia..
Section Three: Dermatology of Fish (Willy
11. Structure and Function of Fish Skin.
12. Examination of Fish Skin and Diagnostic Tests.
13. Skin Diseases and Treatment of Fish..
Section Four: Dermatology of Mammals (Anna
14. Structure and Function of Mammal Skin.
15. Examination of Mammalian Skin and Diagnostic Tests.
16. Skin Diseases and Treatment of Chinchillas.
17. Skin Diseases and Treatment of Ferrets.
18. Skin Diseases and Treatment of Gerbils.
19. Skin Diseases and Treatment of Guinea Pigs.
20. Skin Diseases and Treatment of Hamsters.
21. Skin Diseases and Treatment of Hedgehogs.
22. Skin Diseases and Treatment of Mice.
23. Skin Diseases and Treatment of Rabbits.
24. Skin Diseases and Treatment of Rats.
Sobre el autor
Sue Paterson works at Rutland House Veterinary Hospital, Merseyside, UK.