This collection engages with questions of influence, a vexed and problematic concept whose intellectual history is both ancient and vast. It examines a range of texts written in French, sometimes in dialogue with visual/musical works, drawn mainly from the eighteenth century onwards. Connections are made with related work in a range of disciplines.
Tabla de materias
Series Preface Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors Introduction: Influence: Form, Subjects Time; Daniel Brewer 1. Voltaire, Dante and the Dynamics of Influence; Russell Goulbourne 2. Post-Revolutionary Uses of Pascal; Philip Knee 3. The Survival of Sade in French Literature of the 1950s; Pettine Coudurier 4. Jules Laforgue, Hartmann and Schopenhauer: From Influence to rewriting; Madeleine Guy 5. Text, Image and Music: Paul Valéry’s Melodrama Sémiramis and the Influence of the Ballets Russes ; Natasha Grigorian 6. Influence as Appropriation of the Creative Gesture: Henri Matisse’s Poèmes de Charles d’Orléans ; Kathryn Brown 7. Samuel Beckett’s Funerary Sculpture; Claire Lozier 8. ‘Périmer d’avance’: Blanchot, Derrida and Influence; John Mc Keane 9. Figuring Influence: Some Influential Metaphors in Derrida, Valéry and Freud; Paul Earlie 10. Roland Barthes’s Ghosts: Photobiographical Influence and Legacies; Fabien Arriberth-Narce 11. ‘Le Cycle de Nestor’: Patrick Pécherot’s Rewriting of Léo Malet; Angela Kimyongür 12. Jacques Roubaud’s Rejection of Japoniste Influence: Tokyo infra-ordinaire ; Lucy O’Meara 13. Ghosts of Influence? Spectrality in the Novels of Marie Darrieussecq; Carine Fréville 14. ‘Now I See Me, Now You Don’t’: Working with/against Paternal Influence in Marie Nimier’s Photo-Photo ; Ana de Medeiros
Sobre el autor
Fabien Arribert-Narce Thomas Baldwin Daniel Brewer Kathryn Brown Perrine Coudurier Paul Earlie James Fowler Carine Fréville Russell Goulbourne Natasha Grigorian Madeleine Guy Angela Kimyongür Philip Knee Claire Lozier John Mc Keane Ana de Medeiros