Grids are a crucial enabling technology for scientific and industrial development. Peer-to Peer Computing, Grid, distributed storage technologies, emerging web service technologies, and other types of networked distributed computing, have provided new paradigms exploiting distributed resources. Grids are revolutionizing computing as profoundly as e-mail and the web.
Towards Next Generation Grids is the fifth volume of the Core GRID series. Organized jointly with the Euro-Par 2007 conference, The Core GRID Symposium intends to become the premiere European event on Grid Computing. The aim of this symposium is to strengthen and advance scientific and technological excellence in the area of Grid and Peer-to-Peer Computing. It is organized by the Core GRID Network of Excellence funded by the European Union under the sixth Framework Programme. Core GRID aims at building a virtual European-wide Research Laboratory in Grid and P2P technologies and involves 41 partners from 19 countries gathering 300 researchers and Ph D students.
Towards Next Generation Grids is designed for a professional audience composed of researchers and practitioners in industry. This volume is also suitable for advanced-level students in computer science. It covers several topics:
* Service Level Agreement and Quality of Service
* Trust, Security and Virtual Organization
* Programming with Software Components
* Communication and Networking
* Job, Information and Resource Management
* Programming Methodology
* Workflow Management
* Data Management
Tabla de materias
Service Level Agreement and Quality of Service.- Next GRID Architectural Concepts.- Virtual Domain Sharing in e-Science based on Usage Service Level Agreements.- Optimal Closest Policy with Qos and Bandwidth Constraints.- An Open Architecture for Qo S Information in Business Grids.- Trust, Security and Virtual Organization.- Threat Analysis and Attacks on Xtreem OS: a Grid–enabled Operating System.- A Utility-Based Reputation Model for Service-Oriented Computing.- Virtual Organization Management in Xtreem OS: an Overview.- Sealed Grid with Downloadable Services.- Programming with Software Components.- Interoperability of Grid component models: GCM and CCA case study.- A Component Framework for Application Web Services.- Towards dynamic adaptability support for Master-Worker Paradigm component based applications.- Communication and Networking.- Total Exchange Performance Prediction on Grid Environments.- Synthetic Coordinates for Disjoint Multipath Routing.- Atomic Commitment in Transactional DHTs.- Jobs, Information and Resources Management.- Information Quality Evaluation for Grid Information Services.- Grid infrastructure tools for multi-level job management.- AMon – a User-Friendly Job Monitoring for the Grid.- Co-Allocating Compute and Network Resources.- Programming Methodologies.- Adding metadata to Orc to support reasoning about grid programs.- A Framework for Analysis of Legacy Code Migration to Grid Environment.- Simplifying Grid Application Programming Using Web-Enabled Code Transfer Tools.- Workflow Management.- Towards a Light-weight Workflow Engine in the Asklon Grid Environment.- Supporting Workflow-level PS Applications by the P-GRADE Grid portal.- Applying patterns for porting complex workflows onto the Grid.- Data Management.- Real Time Classification Mechanism for the Causes of Data Loss And Its Integration Into a High Performance Data Transfer System for Grid Computing.- Dependable Grid Services: A Case Study with OGSA-DAI.