Science fiction is often presented as a source of utopia, or even of
prophecies, used in capitalism to promote social, political and
technoscientific innovations.
Science Fiction and Innovation Design assesses the validity of this
approach by exploring the impact this imaginary world has on the
creativity of engineers and researchers. Companies seek to
anticipate and predict the future through approaches such as
design fiction: mobilizing representations of science fiction to
create prototypes and develop scenarios relevant to
organizational strategy. The conquest of Mars or the weapons of
the future are examples developed by authors to demonstrate
how design innovation involves continuous dialogue between
multiple players, from the scientist to the manager, through to the
designers and the science fiction writers.
Sobre el autor
Thomas Michaud holds a Ph D in Management Science and an MBA. He is the author of Innovation, Between Science and Science Fiction (ISTE-Wiley, 2017) and studies the impact of the imagination on creativity and foresight.