Noah, a debt collector and investigator in his late twenties, is slowly putting away enough money to get out of the murky world of solicitors, bankers, bent coppers and cheating wives for good. All he's ever wanted is to make a wedge so he can emigrate some place where the surf is good and the weather warm, but then comes the job that changes everything. A mysterious woman thinks her huge house in the Vale is hiding the darkest of secrets. Drawn to the money and aided by the advice of occult-specialist Alys, Noah lifts the lid on a bizarre world in which depravity and deceit are in charge, where night time covers the inexplicable and where the dream of escaping to ride a few waves is soon growing further out of reach.
The Actaeon Tide is a tale of ancient myth meeting new money, set at the shoreline of an all conquering sea.
Sobre el autor
Tom Anderson was born in Watford and grew up in Porthcawl. He worked as a private investigator for a range of clients after studying at the University of Glamorgan, before developing a travel writing career using journeys taken as a surfer. The Actaeon Tide is his fiction debut.