Autor: Tony Nguyen

Tony Nguyen was born in 1962 in Vietnam and escaped the communist regime in 1980. He spent more than three years in Palawan, Philippines, as a refugee. He resettled in Australia in 1983. Now retired, he lives in Melbourne.

3 Ebooks de Tony Nguyen

Tony Nguyen: The Patanjali Yoga Sutras and Its Spiritual Practice
When people see the word yoga, many think only of poses, meditations, and chants. They do not understand the philosophical set of beliefs on which it is based. In The Patanjali Sutra and Its Spiritua …
Andreas Dripke & Tony Nguyen: ChatGPT und LaMDA sind erst der Anfang
Chat GPT hat einen Hype um Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ausgelöst. Eine Software, die Texte schreibt, die auf Anhieb nicht von Texten zu unterscheiden sind, die ein Mensch verfasst hat. Das ist ein No …
Tony Nguyen: The Patanjali Yoga Sutras and Its Spiritual Practice
When people see the word yoga, many think only of poses, meditations, and chants. They do not understand the philosophical set of beliefs on which it is based. In The Patanjali Sutras and It’s Spirit …