Roberta Capello is full professor of regional economics at Politecnico di Milano and president of the Regional Science Association International. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics obtained at the Free University of Amsterdam in 1993.
Ugo Fratesi is associate professor of regional and urban economics at the Politecnico di Milano since December, 2010. He is member of the editorial boardand book review editor of the Italian Journal of Regional Science since 2008. Heis treasurer and member of the Council of the Italian Section of the Regional Science Association International (AISRe). He is author of two books and severalpapers published in refereed journals in the field of regional economics, especiallyon the themes of regional growth, disparities, and policy.
Laura Resmini is associate professor of Economic policy at the University of Valle d»Aosta, senior researcher at ISLA, Centre for Latin American and Transition Country Studies at Bocconi University (Milan).
8 Ebooks de Ugo Fratesi
Madalena Fonseca & Ugo Fratesi: Regional Upgrading in Southern Europe
The book is aimed at a wide audience, including academics, economic geography, spatial planning and regional policy researchers, institutional leaders and managers, national and institutional policy …
Ugo Fratesi & Lanfranco Senn: Growth and Innovation of Competitive Regions
Time Time b a Space Space Time Time c d Space Space Fig. 1 Different possible scales for growth and innovation analyses spatial dimension, the sectoral dimension and the time dimension are represente …
Roberta Capello & Roberto P. Camagni: Modelling Regional Scenarios for the Enlarged Europe
The aim of this book is to tackle the question of what the European territory will look like over the next fifteen years by providing quali-quantitative territorial scenarios for the enlarged Europe, …
Roberta Capello & Ugo Fratesi: Globalization and Regional Growth in Europe
After a description of the new forms of globalization currently shaping our world, and of their possible spatial effects, the book highlights which European regions have in the past succeeded in taki …
David Bailey & Jennifer Clark: Transitions in Regional Economic Development
At a time of extraordinary challenges confronting the world, this book analyses some of the profound changes occurring in the development of cities and regions. It discusses the uncertainties associa …
David Bailey & Jennifer Clark: Transitions in Regional Economic Development
At a time of extraordinary challenges confronting the world, this book analyses some of the profound changes occurring in the development of cities and regions. It discusses the uncertainties associa …
Ugo (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) Fratesi: Regional Policy
Regional policy is an essential in any government’s toolkit for promoting socioeconomic prosperity. It comes in many forms and can be used to target the development of weak and stronger regions. This …
Ugo (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) Fratesi: Regional Policy
Regional policy is an essential in any government’s toolkit for promoting socioeconomic prosperity. It comes in many forms and can be used to target the development of weak and stronger regions. This …