Autor: UK) Klug Francesca (London School of Economics London School of Economics


2 Ebooks de UK) Klug Francesca (London School of Economics London School of Economics

Francesca (London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, UK) Klug: A Magna Carta for all Humanity
The Magna Carta, sealed in 1215, has come to stand for the rule of law, curbs on executive power and the freedom to enjoy basic liberties. When the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted b …
Francesca (London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, UK) Klug: A Magna Carta for all Humanity
The Magna Carta, sealed in 1215, has come to stand for the rule of law, curbs on executive power and the freedom to enjoy basic liberties. When the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted b …