Uwe Siemon-Netto, born 1936 in Leipzig, Germany, is the founder and director emeritus of the Center for Lutheran Theology and Public Life/League of Faithful Masks in Capistrano Beach, CA. Siemon-Netto has been an international journalist for fifty-eight years. He earned his Ph D from Boston University and is the author of eight books, including The Fabricated Luther: Refuting Nazi Connections and Other Modern Myths (1993, 2007), The Acquittal of God: A Theology for Vietnam Veterans (1990), and Triumph of the Absurd: A Reporter»s Love for the Abandoned People of Vietnam (2015).
5 Ebooks de Uwe Siemon-Netto
Edgar S. Welty: Thanks: Giving and Receiving Gratitude for America’s Troops
This is a book about faith and moral issues facing American troops and veterans. As someone who spent four years wearing a U.S. army uniform, Edgar S. Welty has plenty of ‘soldier stories.’ But he do …
Uwe Siemon-Netto: Luther – Lehrmeister des Widerstands
Wie Luther Hitlers Gegnern den Rücken stärkte Ausgerechnet zum 500-jährigen Reformationsjubiläum suhlen sich Theologen und Publizisten in dem Klischee, dass Martin Luthers Zwei-Reiche-Lehre die Deuts …
Uwe Siemon-Netto: Griewatsch!
Leipzig. 1015 bis 2015. Die tausendjährige Stadt. Uwe Siemon-Netto, weitgereister Leipziger Bub und journalistische Edelfeder, erinnert an die großartigen bürgerlichen Wurzeln und Werte dieser malträ …
Uwe Siemon-Netto: Triumph Of The Absurd
Almost half a century ago, a young reporter from Germany arrived in still-glamorous Saigon to cover the Vietnam War over a period of five years. In this memoir he now tells the story of how he fell i …
Uwe Siemon-Netto: Urchin on the Beat
Starting where the first volume leaves off, we see the author enter his teenage years and the adventures of journalism. The book takes us from the end of 1947 to about 1961 and the building of the wa …