Gordon Paxton is a hard man with a soft centre. Born and raised in the Gorbels in Glasgow, he had known how to use his fists from an early age. By the age of fourteen he had street cred, nobody messed with him. He was a gang member tottering down the slippery path of crime. Caught in the act of petty pilfering; if a certain community PC hadn’t stepped in, he would have been summonsed, given a record: an act of criminal occurrences.
But that hadn’t happened. PC Duckworth had befriended him, saved him from himself, put his feet on the right path. He had a lot to thank the man for.
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Violetta Antcliff has been a member of the Nottingham Writers’ Club for the best part of twenty years. A winner of numerous short story competitions, her work was area short listed in Waterstone’s Wow Factor story competition. Took first prize in Nottingham County Council short story competition with a story called ‘Irish Mouse Tales, ‘ which was published by Gypsy Shadow Publishing as an e Book in July of 2012. ‘The Left Hander’ is Violetta’s 35th e Book with Gypsy Shadow since 2009 and follows ‘Crossbreed versus Pedigree, ‘ ‘A Silent Scream’ and the latest installment in the Jason Foster Series, ‘Jason’s Teen Years.’ She has had her poetry and short stories read on local radio.