Autor: Vladimir Dinets

Vladimir Dinets grew up in Russia and moved to USA in the late 90″s. He received PhD in Zoology at the University of Miami, studying songs and dances of crocodiles and alligators. Dinets continues to study animal behavior and rare, little-known animals. He has traveled in more than a hundred countries, mostly for research, but also because he loves travel. His books about nature and travel diaries have been popular in Russia for the past twenty years, mostly in online versions, but also in print. Dinets is now making them available as Kindle editions. Dragon Songs, his first popular book in English, is now available on Amazon.

2 Ebooks de Vladimir Dinets

Vladimir Dinets: Dragon Songs
A born naturalist and a fearless traveler, Vladimir Dinets wrote travel guides, conducted field research, and lived a couple of lives before he was accepted into the Ph D program in zoology at the Un …
Gordon M. Burghardt & Vladimir Dinets: Secret Social Lives of Reptiles
Covering diverse species from garter snakes to Komodo dragons, this book delves into the evolutionary origins and fascinating details of the mysterious social lives of reptiles.Reptiles have been too …