Wai-Yeung Wong & Qingchen Dong 
Functional Nanomaterials [PDF ebook] 
Synthesis, Properties, and Applications


Functional Nanomaterials

Presents the most recent advances in the production and applications of various functional nanomaterials

As new synthetic methods, characterization technologies, and nanomaterials (NMs) with novel physical and chemical properties are developed, researchers and scientists across disciplines need to keep pace with advancements in the dynamic field. Functional Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications provides comprehensive coverage of fundamental concepts, synthetic methods, characterization technologies, device fabrication, performance evaluation, and both current and emerging applications.

Contributions from leading scientists in academia and industry present research developments of novel functional nanomaterials including metal nanoparticles, two-dimensional nanomaterials, perovskite-based nanomaterials, and polymer-based nanomaterials and nanocomposites. Topics include metal-based nanomaterials for electrochemical water splitting, cerium-based nanostructure materials for electrocatalysis, applications of rare earth luminescent nanomaterials, metal complex nanosheets, and methods for synthesizing polymer nanocomposites.

  • Provides readers with timely and accurate information on the development of functional nanomaterials in nanoscience and nanotechnology

  • Presents a critical perspective of the design strategy, synthesis, and characterization of advanced functional nanomaterials

  • Focuses on recent research developments in emerging areas with emphasis on fundamental concepts and applications

  • Explores functional nanomaterials for applications in areas such as electrocatalysis, bioengineering, optoelectronics, and electrochemistry

  • Covers a diverse range of nanomaterials, including carbonaceous nanomaterials, metal-based nanomaterials, transition metal dichalcogenides-based nanomaterials, semiconducting molecules, and magnetic nanoparticles

Functional Nanomaterials is an invaluable resource for chemists, materials scientists, electronics engineers, bioengineers, and others in the scientific community working with nanomaterials in the fields of energy, electronics, and biomedicine.

Métodos de pago

Tabla de materias

Preface xi

About the Editor xiii

1 Earth-Abundant Metal-Based Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Water Splitting 1
Weiran Zheng, Yong Li, and Lawrence Yoon Suk Lee

1.1 Electrochemical Water Splitting 1

1.1.1 General Principle 1

1.1.2 Overpotential and Tafel Slope 3

1.1.3 Current Techniques 4

1.2 Earth-Abundant Metallic Nanomaterials 5

1.2.1 Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER) 6 Mechanism 6 Metal (M0) Nanoparticles 7 Metal (M0) Single-Atom Catalysts 8 Metal Phosphides 11 Metal Chalcogenides 12 Metal Nitrides 14 Metal Carbides 15 Metal Oxides/(Oxy)hydroxides 15

1.2.2 Oxygen Evolution Reaction 16 Mechanism 16 Metal Oxides/Hydroxides 19 Metal (Mn+) Single-Atom Catalysts 25 Metal Chalcogenides/Nitrides/Phosphides and Others 26

1.3 Computer-Assisted Materials Discovery 28

1.4 Challenge and Outlook 29

1.4.1 Reliability Comparison Between Results 29

1.4.2 Gap Between Industrial and Laboratorial Research 30

1.4.3 Outlook 30

References 31

2 Studies on Cerium-Based Nanostructured Materials for Electrocatalysis 41
Xuemei Zhou, Mingkai Zhang, Yuwei Jin, and Yongquan Qu

2.1 Introduction 41

2.2 Cerium-Based Nanostructure Materials 42

2.3 Cerium-Based Electrocatalysts for HER 44

2.3.1 Cerium-Doped Electrocatalysts for HER 44

2.3.2 Composites with Ce O2 for HER 45

2.4 Cerium-Based Electrocatalysts for OER 49

2.4.1 Cerium-Doped Electrocatalysts for OER 50

2.4.2 Composites with Ce O2 for OER 50

2.5 Cerium-Based Electrocatalysts for ORR 57

2.5.1 Noble Metals with Ce/Ceria for ORR 58

2.5.2 Doping Ce Element into Earth-Abundant Electrocatalysts for ORR 59

2.5.3 Ce2 -Based Electrocatalysts for ORR 60

2.6 Cerium-Based Electrocatalysts for Other Electrochemical Reactions 63

2.7 Conclusions and Outlooks 65

Acknowledgment 67

References 67

3 Metal-Free Carbon-Based Nanomaterials: Fuel Cell Applications as Electrocatalysts 73
Lai-Hon Chung, Zhi-Qing Lin, and Jun He

3.1 Introduction 73

3.2 Heteroatom-Doped Carbon Nanomaterials 75

3.2.1 Heteroatom-Doped Carbon Nanotubes 76

3.2.2 Heteroatom-Doped Graphenes 80

3.2.3 Heteroatom-Doped Graphdiyne 94

3.2.4 Heteroatom-Doped Porous Carbon Nanomaterials 97

3.2.5 Heteroatom-Doped Composite Materials 105

3.2.6 Better ORR Performance in Acidic Medium 108

3.3 Undoped Carbon Nanomaterials 111

3.3.1 Edge as Defect 112

3.3.2 Intrinsic/Topological Defects 114

3.4 Carbon-Based Organic Framework 117

3.5 Application in Fuel Cells 120

3.5.1 Application in Alkaline Fuel Cell and PEMFC 121

3.5.2 Application in Zinc–Air Battery 124

3.6 Conclusion 129

References 130

4 Rare Earth Luminescent Nanomaterials and Their Applications 141
Jianle Zhuang and Xuejie Zhang

4.1 Introduction 141

4.2 Rare Earth Based UCNPs 142

4.2.1 Development of Upconversion Materials 142

4.2.2 Upconversion Mechanism 143 Excited-State Absorption (ESA) 143 Energy Transfer Upconversion (ETU) 143 Cooperative Upconversion (CUC) 144 Cross Relaxation (CR) 144 Photon Avalanche (PA) 144 Energy Migration-Mediated Upconversion (EMU) 145

4.2.3 Composition of UCNPs 145 Host 145 Activator 145 Sensitizer 146

4.2.4 Synthesis of UCNPs 146 Thermal Decomposition 146 Hydro/Solvothermal Synthesis 149 Coprecipitation 149 Sol–Gel Synthesis 150 Microwave-Assisted Synthesis 150

4.2.5 Characterization of UCNPs 150 Identification of Crystal Structures 151 Determination of Size and Morphology 152 Characterization of Surface Moieties 153 Composition Determination 154 Measurement of Optical Properties 155 Evaluation of Magnetic Properties 156

4.2.6 Tuning of Upconversion Emission 156 Tuning UC Emission Changing by the Chemical Composition and Varying Dopant Concentration 156 Tuning UC Emission by Host Matrix Screening 157 Tuning UC Emission by Interparticle Energy Transfer or Antenna Effect 158 Tuning UC Emission Through Energy Migration 158 Tuning UC Emission Using Cross-Relaxation Processes 160 Tuning UC Emission Using Core/Shell Structures 160 Tuning UC Emission Using Size- and Shape-Induced Surface Effects 160 Tuning UC Emission Using FRET or RET 162 Tuning Upconversion Emission Through External Stimulus 165

4.2.7 Applications of UCNPs 165 Bioimaging 165 Therapy 168 Optogenetics 170 Sensing and Detection 171 Photocatalysis 173 UCNPs-Mediated Molecular Switches 175 Other Technological Applications 176

4.3 Rare Earth Based DCNPs 178

4.3.1 Y3 Al5 O12 :RE (RE = Ce3+ , Tb3+) 178 Coprecipitation Approach 178 Sol–Gel Method 179 Solvothermal Method 181

4.3.2 Sr Al2 O4 :Eu2+ , Dy3+ 182 Hydrothermal Method 182 Sol–Gel Method 183 Microwave Method 183 Electrospinning 183

4.3.3 Y2 O3 :Eu3+ 184

4.3.4 Ln VO4 :Ln3+ (Ln = La, Gd, Y; Ln3+ = Eu3+ , Dy3+ , Sm3+) 186

4.3.5 La PO4 :Ce3+ , Tb3+ 187

4.3.6 Applications 189 Biological Imaging 189 Tumor Treatment 190 Fluorescent Ink 191

4.4 Summary and Outlook 192

References 193

5 Metal Complex Nanosheets: Preparation, Property, and Application 207
Ryota Sakamoto

5.1 Introduction 207

5.2 Preparation of Metal Complex Nanosheets 208

5.2.1 Vacuum Phase Fabrication 208

5.2.2 Mechanical Exfoliation 208

5.2.3 Liquid-Phase Exfoliation 209

5.2.4 Liquid/Liquid Interfacial Synthesis 211

5.2.5 Gas/Liquid Interfacial Synthesis 213

5.3 Properties of Metal Complex Nanosheets 215

5.3.1 Electroproperties 215

5.3.2 Photoproperties 217

5.3.3 Magnetoproperties 219

5.4 Outlook on Metal Complex Nanosheets 221

References 221

6 Synthesis, Properties, and Applications of Metal Halide Perovskite-Based Nanomaterials 225
Mei-Li Sun, Cai-Xiang Zhao, Jun-Feng Shu, and Xiong Yin

6.1 Introduction 225

6.1.1 Crystal Structure and Phase of Metal Halide Perovskites 225

6.1.2 Classification of Metal Halide Perovskite-Based Nanomaterials 227 Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Materials 228 All-Inorganic Perovskite Materials 232 Lead-Free Perovskite Materials and Low-Lead Perovskite Material 234

6.2 Properties of Metal Halide Perovskite Materials 238

6.2.1 Tunable Bandgap 238

6.2.2 High Absorption Coefficient 239

6.2.3 Excellent Charge Transport Performance 240

6.2.4 Photoluminescence Properties 240

6.3 Synthesis of Metal Halide Perovskite-Based Nanomaterials 242

6.3.1 Hot Injection Method 243

6.3.2 Ligand-Assisted Reprecipitation Method 244

6.3.3 Solution Deposition Methods 244 One-Step Method 245 Two-Step Method 247 Other Solution-Processing Methods 249

6.4 Application of Metal Halide Perovskite-Based Nanomaterials 251

6.4.1 Perovskite Solar Cells 251

6.4.2 Perovskite Light-Emitting Diode 254

6.4.3 Sensing 256

6.4.4 Other Devices 257

References 259

7 Progress in Piezo-Phototronic Effect on 2D Nanomaterial-Based Heterostructure Photodetectors 275
Yuqian Zhao, Ran Ding, Feng Guo, Zehan Wu, and Jianhua Hao

7.1 Introduction 275

7.2 Piezo-Phototronic Effect on the Junctions 277

7.2.1 Fundamental Physics of Piezo-Phototronics 277

7.2.2 Piezo-Phototronic Effect on P–N Junction 278

7.2.3 Piezo-Phototronic Effect on Metal–Semiconductor Junction 282

7.3 Piezo-Phototronic Effect on the Performance of P–N Junction Photodetectors 284

7.3.1 Photodetector Based on 2D Homojunction 285

7.3.2 Photodetectors Based on 1D–2D Heterostructure 286

7.3.3 Photodetectors Based on 2D–2D Heterostructure 289

7.3.4 Photodetectors Based on 3D–2D Heterostructure 293

7.4 Conclusion and Future Perspectives 295

Acknowledgments 297

References 297

8 Synthesis and Properties of Conducting Polymer Nanomaterials 303
Ziyan Zhang, Tianyu Sun, Mingda Shao, and Ying Zhu

8.1 Introduction 303

8.2 Synthesis and Properties 305

8.2.1 Chemical Synthesis and Properties 306

8.2.2 Electrochemical Synthesis and Properties 314

8.3 Summary 329

References 329

9 Conducting Polymer Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Electrocatalysis 337
Mingwei Fang, Xingpu Wang, Xueyan Li, and Ying Zhu

9.1 Introduction 337

9.2 Electrode Materials of Batteries 337

9.2.1 Electrodes for Metal-Ion Batteries 338 Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries 338 Electrodes for Other Metal-Ion Batteries 345

9.2.2 Electrodes for Lithium–Sulfur Batteries 348

9.2.3 Electrodes for All-Polymer Batteries 350

9.2.4 Electrodes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell 352

9.2.5 Electrodes for Bioelectric Batteries 352

9.3 Electrocatalysis 355

9.3.1 Oxygen Evolution Reaction (OER) 356

9.3.2 Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER) 357

9.3.3 Carbon Dioxide Reduction Reaction (CO2 Rr) 361

9.4 Supercapacitors 363

9.4.1 CP as the Active Material 364

9.4.2 CP Composites as the Active Materials 370

9.5 Summary and Perspective 386

References 386

10 Conducting Polymer Nanomaterials for Bioengineering Applications 399
Xiang Sun, Meiling Wang, You Liu, Xin Zhang, Yalan Chen, Shiying Li, and Ying Zhu

10.1 Introduction 399

10.2 Electronic Skin 399

10.2.1 Wearable Electronic Devices 400

10.2.2 Self-Healing E-Skin 403

10.2.3 Energy-Saving E-Skin 405

10.3 Bioengineering 406

10.3.1 Tissue Regeneration Engineering 406

10.3.2 Drug Delivery 414

10.3.3 Actuators 422

10.4 Chemical Sensors and Biosensors 424

10.4.1 Chemical Sensors 424

10.4.2 Biosensors 427

10.5 Summary and Perspective 436

References 436

11 Methods for Synthesizing Polymer Nanocomposites and Their Applications 447
Muwei Ji, Jintao Huang, and Caizhen Zhu

11.1 Factors for Synthesizing Polymer Nanocomposites 448

11.2 Solution Mixing 451

11.3 Emulsion Polymerization 456

11.4 Dispersion Polymerization and Dispersion Copolymerization 458

11.5 Self-Assembly 461

11.6 Melting 463

11.7 In situ Polymerization 466

11.8 Tailoring of Polymers Nanocomposite 471

11.9 Application of Polymer Nanocomposites 474

11.10 Outlook 481

List of Abbreviations 481

References 483

12 Spin-Related Electrode Reactions in Nanomaterials 491
Shengnan Sun and Yanglong Hou

12.1 Introduction 491

12.2 Factors Influencing the Electrochemical System 492

12.2.1 Forces Caused by Magnetic Fields in Aqueous Solution 492

12.2.2 Spin States of Electrocatalysts 495

12.3 Spin-Related Electrode Reactions 496

12.3.1 Electrodeposition of Metals or Alloys 496

12.3.2 Hydrogen Evolution Reaction 498

12.3.3 Oxygen Evolution Reaction 504

12.3.4 Oxygen Reduction Reaction 513

12.3.5 Other Catalytic Reactions 517

12.3.6 Battery 518

12.3.7 Others 522

12.4 Conclusion and Outlook 523

References 523

Index 533

Sobre el autor

Wai-Yeung Wong is Chair Professor of Chemical Technology and Dean of Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Poly U), Hong Kong, China. He is also Professor of Poly U Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen, China.
Qingchen Dong is Full Professor at Shanghai University, Shanghai, China.

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