Autor: Wei Quan

QUAN Wei: H-index 7 Main publications list: 1. Quan Wei, Fang Jiancheng etc. Hybrid simulation system study of SINS/CNS integrated navigation, IEEE A&E Systems Magazine, 2008, 23(2):17~24.2. Quan Wei, Fang Jiancheng. A star recognition method based on the adaptive ant colony algorithm for star sensors, Sensors, 2010, 10(3):1955~1966.3. Quan Wei, Fang Jiancheng, Zhang Weina. A method of optimization for the distorted model of star map based on improved genetic algorithm, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2011, 15(2):103~107.4. Quan Wei, Xu Liang, Fang Jiancheng. A New Star Pattern Recognition Algorithm based on Improved Hausdorff Distance, IEEE Transactions on AES, In press.5. Zhang Weina, Quan Wei, Guo Lei. Blurred Star Image Processing for Star Sensor in Dynamic Condition, Sensors, In press. 6. Wang Ziliang, Quan Wei. An All-sky autonomous star map identification algorithm, IEEE A&E Systems Magazine, 2004, 19:10~14.7. Quan Wei, Zhang Weina. Restoration of motion-blurred star image based on wiener filter, 2011 International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, 2011, 3 Vol.II, 691-694 8. Quan Wei, Fang Jiancheng, Guo Lei. An adaptive segmented information fusion method for the attitude determination of nano-spacecrafts, Proceedings of SPIE –Seventh International Symposium on Instrumentation and Control Technology, 2008, 7129:2G9. Quan Wei, Fang Jiancheng. An adaptive federated filter algorithm based on improved GA and its application, Proceedings of SPIE – Signal Analysis, Measurement Theory, Photo-Electronic Technology, and Artificial Intelligence, 2006, 6357:5C10. Quan Wei, Fang Jiancheng. Hardware in-the-loop simulation of celestial navigation system, Collection of Technical Papers – AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 2005, 426-429Research Interest:1.INS/CNS, INS/CNS/GNSS integrated navigation system technologyfor airplane or missile.2.Gyro/Star sensor, Gyro/Celestial sensor/Magnetometer multi-sensors integrated attitude determination system technology.3.Star sensor system technology based on CMOS APS.4.Star map processing technology including denoising, distort correcting, centroiding, recognizing, etc.5.Advanced filtering method based on intelligent algorithm.6.Deep space exploration payload technology.7.Atom magnetometer and atom spin gyro technology.

4 Ebooks de Wei Quan

Wei Quan & Jianli Li: INS/CNS/GNSS Integrated Navigation Technology
This book not only introduces the principles of INS, CNS and GNSS, the related filters and semi-physical simulation, but also systematically discusses the key technologies needed for integrated navig …
Hongke Zhang & Wei Su: Smart Collaborative Identifier Network
This book introduces a promising design for future Internet, the Smart Collaborative Identifier NETwork (SINET). By examining cutting-edge research from around the world, it is the first book to prov …
Fei He & Derong Li: Advances in Ultrafast Optics
No detailed description available for ‘Advances in Ultrafast Optics’. Das E-Book Advances in Ultrafast Optics wird angeboten von De Gruyter und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert: Enhanced F …
Wei Quan: Emerging Networking Architecture and Technologies
This book constitutes refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Emerging Networking Architecture and Technologies, ICENAT 2022, held in Shenzhen, China, in October 2022.The 50 pap …