Real-time strategies for real-life results!
It’s all too familiar: A classroom of 25+ students—all with very different needs and learning styles. Do you sometimes feels more like a juggler than a math teacher, struggling to keep all those balls in air? William Bender is prepared to lend a hand with this new edition of what’s certainly the most important book on differentiating math instruction written in recent years.
Just what makes Differentiating Math Instruction such a favorite among K-8 teachers? It’s the only book that successfully blends the best of what technology has to offer with guidelines for meeting the objectives set forth by the Common Core. Every new innovation in math instruction is addressed:
• Flipping math instruction
• Project-based learning
• Using Khan Academy in the classroom
• Educational gaming
• Teaching for deeper conceptual understanding
Before long, all of your students will engage more deeply with math content, no matter their pace or learning style.
‘This is a great book that can be applied to any classroom, not just the math classroom! I have pages bookmarked already to explore!’
–Rachel Spenner
Westridge Elementary
‘This book is an engaging and exciting read for any teacher truly interested in updating instructional skills and integrating 21st century instructional strategies.’
–Esther M. Eacho
Johns Hopkins University
Tabla de materias
About the Author
1. Differentiated Mathematics Instruction
2. Differentiated Instructional Models: Lesson Modification and Learning Centers for Mathematics
3. Flipped Mathematics Classes and Project Based Learning: New Differentiated Instructional Models in Mathematics
4. Strategies for Differentiating Early Math Instruction
5. Strategies for Differentiating Instruction In Grades 3 Through 6
6. Strategies for Differentiating Instruction In Grades 6 Through 8
7. Differentiated Assessments and Response to Intervention
Appendix A: Recently Developed or Widely Used Curricula in Mathematics
Sobre el autor
William N. Bender, Ph D, has had a long and distinguished career in education, teaching in public school for several years and in higher education for some 26 years at Blue?eld State College in West Virginia, Rutgers University in New Jersey, and the University of Georgia. He has written 36 books in special and general education. With his retirement, he has stepped back from his rigorous workshop schedule, which as recently as 2016 included some 40 workshop days per year. While the COVID-19 pandemic impacted his work, he has written four historical ?ction novels and several educational books in recent years. He has delivered several professional development projects, including most recently a keynote for a virtual conference on project-based learning in Brazil in conjunction with his Corwin book Project-Based Learning (2012).Learn more about William Bender′s PD offerings Consulting Description: Differentiated Instruction Consulting Description: Math Consulting Description: Project-Based Learning Consulting Description: RTIConsulting Description: Technology