This book re-examines political, conceptual and methodological concerns of ‘intersectionality’, bringing these into conversation with sexuality studies. It explores sexual identifications, politics and inequalities as these (dis)connect across time and place, and are re-constituted in relation to class, disability, ethnicity, gender and age.
Tabla de materias
PART I: COMPLEXITIES AND COMPLICATIONS – INTERSECTIONAL (RE)RUNS Me, Myself, and I; K.Weston Complexities and Complications: Intersections of Class and Sexuality; Y.Taylor On the Depoliticisation of Intersectionality Talk: Conceptualising Multiple Oppressions in Critical Sexuality Studies; U.Erel, J.Haritaworn, E.Gutiérrez Rodríguez & C.Klesse ‘Try Again: Fail Again: Fail Better’ Queer Interdependencies as Corrective Methodologies; E.Haschemi Yekani, B.Michaelis & G.Dietze PART II: LIVED EXPERIENCES, INTERSECTING LIVES Intersectionality and Sexuality: The Case of Sexuality and Transgender Equalities Work in UK Local Government; D.Richardson & S.Monro Thinking Intersectionality: Sexualities and the Politics of Multiple Identities; J.Dean Sexing Gender; Gendering Sex: Towards an Intersectional Analysis of Transgender; S.Hines Desistence from Sex Work: Feminist Cultural Criminology and Intersectionality: The Complexities of Moving In and Out of Sex Work; M.O’Neil & R.Campbell PART III: OPERATIONALISING INTERSECTIONALITY Sexualities Sociologies and the Intersectional Potential of Two Qualitative Methodologies; K.Broad The Language of Intersectionality: Researching ‘Lesbian’ Identity in Urban Russia; F.Stella Multiplex Methodologies: Researching Young People’s Wellbeing at the Intersections of Class, Sexuality, Gender and Age; L.Mc Dermott Bent: Non-Normative Embodiment as Lived Intersectionality; K.Inckle
Sobre el autor
ROSIE CAMPBELL is a Freelance Research, Policy and Training Consultant in the UK KENDAL L. BROAD is Associate Professor, jointly-appointed with the Centre for Women’s Studies and Gender Research and the Department of Sociology at the University of Florida, USA JAMES J. DEAN is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University, USA GABRIELE DIETZE is a Fellow at the ICI Berlin (Institute for Cultural Inquiry), Germany UMUT EREL is RCUK Research Fellow at the Centre for Citizenship, Identities and Governance, Open University, UK JIN HARITAWORN has just concluded postdoctoral research in Media and Communications Studies at Goldsmiths College, UK ELAHE HASCHEMI YEKANI is a Lecturer at the Department of English and American Studies at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany KAY INCKLE lectures in the School of Social Work and Social Policy in Trinity College Dublin, Republic of Ireland CHRISTIAN KLESSE is Senior Lecturer in Cultural Studies at the Department of Sociology, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK ELIZABETH MCDERMOTT is a Social Policy Lecturer in the Department of Social Policy and Social Work at the University of York, UK BEATRICE MICHAELIS is a Lecturer for German Medieval Studies at Humboldt University Berlin and TU Dresden, Germany SURYA MONRO is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Research in the Social Sciences, University of Huddersfield, UK MAGGIE O’NEILL is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Social Policy in the Dept Social Sciences at Loughborough University, UK DIANE RICHARDSON is Professor of Sociology at Newcastle University, UK ENCARNACIÓN GUTÍERREZ RODRÍGUEZ is Senior Lecturer in Transcultural Studies in the School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures at the University of Manchester, UK FRANCESCA STELLA is a Lecturer at the Department of Central and East European Studies, University of Glasgow, UK KATH WESTON is Professor of Anthropology and Studies in Women and Gender at the University of Virginia, USA