Autor: Yulan Sun

Jorge Manzi received Ph.D. in Psychology by the University of California, Los Angeles, USA. He is Full Professor at the School of Psychology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, where he is also Director of the Measurement Center MIDE UC (one of the leading institutions in the field of educational measurement in Latin America). His academic work concentrates on three areas: educational measurement, social psychology, and political psychology. In the area of educational measurement, during the last two decades, he has contributed to the development, implementation and validation of several national programs in Chile, including the National Assessment of Student Achievement (SIMCE), the University Entrance Examinations (PSU), the National Mandatory Teacher Performance Assessment, and the Certification of Excellence in Teaching. In this field, he has also worked in international programs, such as UNESCO’s regional assessment of 3rd- and 6th-grade students (TERCE 2013 and ERCE 2019). He has also participated in national commissions related to education and educational assessment. His academic work in this area is reflected in several research and development projects as well as in books, articles, and papers. Yulán Sun is Psychologist and Master in Educational Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. She was part of the Teacher Professional Development team of the 900 Schools Program (P-900), of the Ministry of Education, and has specialized in the design, implementation and evaluation of educational programs, particularly in teacher assessment. Between 2003 and 2019, Sun directed the “Docentemas project” in Measurement Center of the Catholic University of Chile (MIDE UC), leading the implementation of the national teacher assessment program in Chile. She has been a researcher, consultant, and teacher in different universities in Chile, and she is a national and international consultant in the area of teacher assessment. Currently, Sun participates as an independent researcher in a research project executed by the Department of Evaluation, Measurement and Educational Registry (DEMRE) of the University of Chile, and she is the academic coordinator of the Center for Professional Teacher Development (CPDP) in Diego Portales University. María Rosa García is Psychologist and Master of Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. She is currently Assistant Professor at the School of Psychology of that same university, and Professional at the MIDE UC Measurement Center UC (one of the leading institutions in the field of educational measurement in Latin America). Here, she has led the area of validation studies of the instruments used in the National Mandatory Teacher Performance Assessment. Also, she has led the area of construction of instruments of the Learning Progress Assessment System, SEPA, and the international area of MIDE UC that carries out various consultancies around educational measurement in different countries, mostly in Latin America. She has done consulting and teaching mainly on topics related to the construction and validation of measuring instruments and the evaluation of learning.

2 Ebooks de Yulan Sun

Jorge Manzi & Yulan Sun: Teacher Evaluation Around the World
This book presents some of the leading technical, professional, and political challenges associated with the development and implementation of teacher evaluation systems, along with characterizing so …
Jorge Manzi & Yulan Sun: Evaluación docente en el mundo
Este libro presenta los principales desafíos técnicos, profesionales y políticos asociados al desarrollo y la implementación de sistemas de evaluación docente, junto con caracterizar sistemas en dife …