For the past half-century, the planning system has operated on the basis of a growth-dependence paradigm. It has been based on market-led urban development and has sought to provide community benefits from a share of development profits. However, we do not live in a world where growth can be taken for granted and we are more aware than previously of the implications for well-being and sustainability. This timely book provides a fresh analysis of the limitations of the growth-dependence planning paradigm. It considers alternative urban development models, ways of protecting and enhancing existing low value land uses and means of managing community assets within the built environment. In each case it spells out the role that a reformed planning system could play in establishing a new agenda for planning. The book will be of relevance to planning students, planning professionals and planning academics, as well as urban policy specialists more generally.
Sobre el autor
Yvonne Rydin is Professor of Planning, Environment and Public Policy in the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, with over thirty years of experience in researching and teaching in planning. She specialises in governance for urban sustainability looking both at topics such as urban energy, air quality and green spaces, and also processes such as the regulation of urban development, strategy preparation and the production of indicators.