"The Song of the South China Sea" is a collection of works created by the author after interviewing the various islands of the South China Sea. It introduces to young readers the state of maritime protection, resource development, and environmental protection in the southernmost territory of our country, the South China Sea, as well as the unwavering maintenance of national sovereignty over the South China Sea. The South China Sea is the bluest water body in our territorial waters...
"The Song of the South China Sea" is a collection of works created by the author after interviewing the various islands of the South China Sea. It introduces to young readers the state of maritime protection, resource development, and environmental protection in the southernmost territory of our country, the South China Sea, as well as the unwavering maintenance of national sovereignty over the South China Sea. The South China Sea is the bluest water body in our territorial waters. With the establishment of Sansha City on Yongxing Island, the largest island in the South China Sea, municipal construction has been continuously advancing. The traditional fisheries are safer and more secure, and the utilization rate of energy has also improved. So, how do the residents live here? How do they manage to protect the islands and the environment at the same time? If you want to understand today’s South China Sea and Sansha City, please read this book "The Song of the South China Sea." The main chapters of this book include: "Revitalizing All Trades, the South China Sea Outpost Finally Becomes a City, " "Fishing Boats Plow the Waves, Sails Break the Waves to Cultivate the ‘Ancestral Sea, ‘" "Undersea Wonders, Coral and Tridacna Build Rainforests, " "Waves and Reefs, Beacons in the Vast Blue Waves, " "Fearless of the Waves, the Red Flag is Planted on Huangyan Island, " and so on.