EVA DE CLERCQ is affiliated with the University of Pisa, Italy and she is Lecturer of Philosophy at the Lorenzo de” Medici Institute in Florence. She is part of the editorial team of Teoria. Rivista di Filosofia fondata di Vittorio Sainati.
2 Ebooks by Eva De Clercq
Kenneth A. Loparo: The Seduction of the Female Body
Drawing on the ambiguous meaning of the notion of vulnerability, the book offers an innovative approach to the topic of the female body in relation to women’s rights; going beyond the age-old dichoto …
Eva De Clercq & Heleen De Jonckheere: Literary Transcreation as a Jain Practice
Ein riesiger Korpus von Jain-Texten liegt unerforscht in Manuskriptbibliotheken, einige von ihnen sind Neufassungen früherer Werke. Obwohl die Verbreitung literarischer Neuschöpfungen in Jain-Gemeins …