Author: Ewa Lipska

Ewa Lipska was born in Kraków, Poland, in 1945. She is the author of more than thirty books of poetry and has won many awards, including the Polish PEN Club’s Robert Graves Award for lifetime achievement in poetry. Her poems have been translated into more than fifteen languages. Robin Davidson is a poet, translator, and professor emeritus of literature and creative writing at the University of Houston–Downtown. Twitter @Robin Davidsonr Ewa Elżbieta Nowakowska is a poet, short-story writer, and translator who lives and teaches in Kraków. Davidson and Nowakowska are also the translators of a previous collection of Lipska’s poetry, The New Century.

1 Ebooks by Ewa Lipska

Ewa Lipska: Dear Ms. Schubert
The first complete English translation of Ewa Lipska’s exciting “Dear Ms. Schubert” poems Ewa Lipska is one of Europe’s most compelling and important poets, but relatively little of her recent work h …