Organic Lasers and Organic Photonics (Second Edition), presents a unique integrated and updated perspective on the field of organic sources of coherent radiation from high-average power lasers to miniaturized organic lasers and coherent sources. The book also describes the field of organic photonics in chapters dedicated to organic laser dyes, polymer matrices for lasers, polymer-nanoparticle composites, bio-based gain media, engineering of OLEDs, and a handbook style description of applications for organic sources and photonics.
Organic Lasers and Organic Photonics also includes a unique and extensive description of organic dye molecules for the exciting field of optogenetics. This 126-page description is un-paralleled in today’s literature. The book also includes an updated chapter on organic lasers as sources of ensembles of indistinguishable photons, with orthogonal polarizations, for quantum entanglement. The following chapter describes intrinsic quantum coherent emission.
Key Features:
Includes physics of high-performance tunable organic lasers
Presents coherence emission from electrically pumped organic semiconductors
Discusses Optogenetics
Contains organic molecules for medical photonics
Full revised and expanding including homework problems for textbook use
Table of Content
Editor biography
Contributing author biographies
1 Introduction
2 Organic laser dyes
3 Energetics of organic laser dyes
4 Polymer matrices for lasers
5 Cavity and resonator architectures for high-performance organic laser oscillators
6 Mathematical-physics for tunable narrow-linewidth organic laser oscillators
7 Best performance of organic lasers
8 Tunable organic lasers for directed energy
9 Polymer–nanoparticle organic lasers
10 Compact and miniaturized organic dye lasers: from glass to bio-based gain media
11 Electrically-pumped organic semiconductor laser emission
12 Organic photonics
13 Organic dyes in optogenetics
14 Tunable organic lasers, light sheet illumination, and organic molecules for biology and medicine
15 Organic lasers for N-channel quantum entanglement
16 Intrinsic quantum coherence in electrically-pumped organic interferometric emitters: Diracian emission
About the author
FJ Duarte is an award winning laser and quantum physicist who is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Physics and a Fellow of the Optical Society of America (now Optica). He is editor- author of 15 books and solo author of 6 titles.
Peter Hegemann is Hertie-Professor for Neuroscience at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He has received several professional awards.
Suneel Kateriya is a professor of Biotechnology at the School of Biotechnology (SBT), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India.
Alfons Penzkofer is a retired professor and physicist conducting photo-biological spectroscopy research at the University of Regensburg. He is a Fellow of Optica.
Sergei Popov is a physics professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan), Sweden. He is a Fellow of Optica.
Kathleen M Vaeth is the Senior Engineering R&D Manager for New and Advanced Sensor Products at Qualitrol Corporation (Rochester, New York). She is a Fellow of Optica.
Elena Vasileva is a Global Product Manager at Hübner Photonics (Sweden). She conducted her doctoral research at Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Sweden.