Faith, Life and Leadership-Vol 2 : 8 Canadian Women Tell Their Stories is the follow-up volume to the very successful first book by the same title. This second group of eight successful, experienced, godly Canadian women, have been similarly assembled, and again each is a distinguished leader in her field. All have been willing to share the unique story that relates to the lessons they learned during their leadership journey. Their personal stories are told with utmost authenticity and integrity. Readers will be inspired, encouraged and edified to achieve great things for the Kingdom. The unique perspective of each models important and essential characteristics and practices that will help emerging leaders to prepare for the roadblocks and adversities that will undoubtedly present themselves on their own journey to becoming strong, Spirit-filled, leaders.
These stories will cover important themes such as:
• Understanding the Call of God
• Developing and Building Character
• Leadership Tests, Seasons and Processes
• Mentoring
• Strengthening Spiritual Disciplines
• Maturing Through Offences
• Living and Leaving a Legacy
About the author
Dr. Aileen van Ginkel is Vice-President, Ministry Services at The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada and Co-chair with the Canadian Interfaith Conversation. She has had wide experience in facilitating group dialogue and partnership development. She completed her Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) degree in 2012 at Tyndale Seminary, where she focused her research on practices of communal discernment.