The present volume contains the proceedings of the Third IPM International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN), Kish, Iran, April 15–17, 2009. FSEN 2009 was organized by the School of Computer Science at the Institute for Studies in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) in Iran, in cooperation with the ACM SIGSOFT and IFIP WG 2.2. This conference brought together around 100 researchers and practitioners working on di?erent aspects of formal methods in software engineering from 15 di?erentcountries.Thetopicsofinterestin FSENspanoverallaspects offormal methods, especiallythoserelatedtoadvancingtheapplicationofformalmethods in software industry and promoting their integration with practical engineering techniques. The Program Committee of FSEN 2009 consisted of top researchers from 24 di?erent academic institutes in 11 countries. We received a total of 88 submissions from 25 countries out of which the Program Committee selected 22 as regular papers, 5 as short papers, and 7 as poster presentations in the conferenceprogram.Eachsubmissionwasreviewedbyatleastthreeindependent referees, for its quality, originality, contribution, clarity of presentation, and its relevance to the conference topics. This volume contains the revised versions of the regular and short papers presented at FSEN 2009. Three distinguished keynote speakers delivered their lectures at FSEN 2009 on models of computation: automata and processes (Jos Baeten), veri?cation, performanceanalysisandcontrollersynthesisforreal-timesystems(Kim Larsen), and theory and tool for component-based model-driven development in r COS (Zhiming Liu). Our invited speakers also contributed to this volume by s- mitting their keynote papers, which were accepted after they were reviewed by independent referees.
Table of Content
Session 1. Invited Papers.- A Process-Theoretic Look at Automata.- Verification, Performance Analysis and Controller Synthesis for Real-Time Systems.- r COS: Theory and Tool for Component-Based Model Driven Development.- Session 2. Regular Papers.- Termination in Higher-Order Concurrent Calculi.- Typing Asymmetric Client-Server Interaction.- Equational Reasoning on Ad Hoc Networks.- Towards a Notion of Unsatisfiable Cores for LTL.- Rule Formats for Determinism and Idempotence.- The Complexity of Reachability in Randomized Sabotage Games.- Applying Step Coverability Trees to Communicating Component-Based Systems.- Program Logics for Sequential Higher-Order Control.- Modular Schedulability Analysis of Concurrent Objects in Creol.- A Timed Calculus for Wireless Systems.- Model Checking Linear Duration Invariants of Networks of Automata.- Automata Based Model Checking for Reo Connectors.- On the Expressiveness of Refinement Settings.- Bounded Rational Search for On-the-Fly Model Checking of LTL Properties.- Automated Translation and Analysis of a Tool Bus Script for Auctions.- Executable Interface Specifications for Testing Asynchronous Creol Components.- Compositional Strategy Mapping.- A Sound Analysis for Secure Information Flow Using Abstract Memory Graphs.- Refinement Patterns for Hierarchical UML State Machines.- Specification and Validation of Behavioural Protocols in the r COS Modeler.- The Interplay between Relationships, Roles and Objects.- A Coordination Model for Interactive Components.- Session 3. Short Papers.- Evolution Control in MDE Projects: Controlling Model and Code Co-evolution.- An x ADL Extension for Managing Dynamic Deployment in Distributed Service Oriented Architectures.- A First Step towards Security Policy Compliance of Connectors.- A Safe Implementation of Dynamic Overloading in Java-Like Languages.- Fundamental Concepts for the Structuring of Functionality into Modular Parts.