Valeria Filì is Full Professor of Labour Law at the University of Udine, Italy. Her areas of research and teaching are labour law, employment law, industrial relations law, social security law and anti-discrimination law. Federico Costantini is Researcher and Adjunct Professor of Legal Informatics at the University of Udine, Italy. His studies are focused on legal issues related to data protection, Artificial Intelligence and distributed system technologies.
2 Ebooks by Federico Costantini
Federico Costantini & Anthony Forsyth: Legal Issues in the Digital Economy
It is a matter of fact that technological innovation is deeply impacting on our culture, society, economy and labour market. The massive and widespread use of Artificial Intelligence and the strength …
Federico Costantini: Sulla Strada Bianca
È un poesia dal gusto ricercato quella di Sulla Strada Bianca, un versificare ben equilibrato, una silloge che lascia trasparire la cura e l’amore per la scrittura. È una poesia c …