Author: Fei Yang

Dr. Fei Yang studierte Rechtswissenschaften an der China University of Political Science and Law und der LMU München. Nach einem LL.M.-Studium promovierte sie an der Universität zu Kiel.

5 Ebooks by Fei Yang

Fei Yang: Die Haftung von Plattformbetreibern für die Mitwirkung an fremden Rechtsverletzungen nach deutschem und chinesischem Recht
Wie unterscheidet sich die Haftung von Plattformbetreibern für mittelbare Urheber-, Marken- und Lauterkeitsrechtsverletzungen in Deutschland und China? Um dieser Frage nachzugehen, untersucht Fei Yan …
Weiming Ma & Mingzhe Rong: The Proceedings of the 9th Frontier Academic Forum of Electrical Engineering
This book includes the original, peer-reviewed research papers from the 9th Frontier Academic Forum of Electrical Engineering (FAFEE 2020), held in Xi’an, China, in August 2020. It gathers the latest …
Fei Yang & Zhenxing Yao: Travel Behavior Characteristics Analysis Technology Based on Mobile Phone Location Data
This book is devoted to the technology and methodology of individual travel behavior analysis and refined travel information extraction. Traditional resident trip surveys are characterized by many sh …
Fei Yang & Yanchen Wang: Reliability Evaluation and Its Influence on Traffic Application
Traditional resident travel surveys have limited the development of traffic planning theory and traffic model technology. Although mobile phone signaling data has been widely used to analyze macro ur …
Limin Jia & Fei Yang: The Proceedings of 2024 International Conference of Electrical, Electronic and Networked Energy Systems
This conference is one of the most significant annual events of the China Electrotechnical Society, showcasing the latest research trends, methodologies, and experimental results in electrical, elect …