Author: Ferdinand Ries


6 Ebooks by Ferdinand Ries

Ferdinand Ries: Grande Sonate ‘L’Infortunée’, Op. 26
Entitled L’infortunée by the composer, the Sonata in F min. Op.26, was written at a time when Ries found himself living in desperate straits in Paris and it is thought to be self-referential. Rejecte …
Ferdinand Ries & Stephen Begley: Polonaise, Opus 41
In the years between 1809 and 1813 Ferdinand Ries had an almost unbroken schedule of concerts and touring and this piece, a polonaise in the brilliant style was one of the works to emerge from this p …
Ferdinand Ries: Rule Britannia, Opus 116
The ‘Grand Variations on ‘Rule, Britannia!”are a pianistic tour de force which is sure to leave audiences breathless for more from this little known composer who served his apprenticeship under both …
Ferdinand Ries: 5. Klavierkonzert (Pastoral) Opus 120
Overdue for modern reappraisal, the works of Ferdinand Ries represent a treasure trove of pieces that easily stand alongside his illustrious predecessor and former teacher, Beethoven. A serious conce …
Ferdinand Ries: 5. Klavierkonzert (Pastoral), Opus 120
Overdue for modern reappraisal, the works of Ferdinand Ries represent a treasure trove of pieces that easily stand alongside his illustrious predecessor and former teacher, Beethoven. A serious conce …
Franz G. Wegeler & Ferdinand Ries: Ludwig van Beethoven – biografske bilješke
U prvoj – i još uvijek relevantnoj – biografiji velikog skladatelja, njegovi suvremenici i prijatelji Franz Wegeler i Ferdinand Ries iznose svjedočanstva o njemu služeći se svakodnevnim, gotovo razgo …