Fernando López received a PhD in History from the University of New South Wales, Australia, and a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in History from the same institution. Together with Dr Pablo Leighton, he co-directs Latitudes: Latin American Research Group Australia, and his areas of research focus on contemporary Latin American history, the Cold War in Latin America and, especially, on how the military regimes of Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, Argentina and Bolivia agreed to formally launch Operation Condor in November 1975. His publications include 40 Years Are Nothing: History and Memory of the 1973 Coup D”etats in Uruguay and Chile (2015).
7 Ebooks by Fernando Lopez
Fernando Lopez: Holistic Business Handbook
This book was specifically written for those interested in the Complementary and Alternative Medical Community and desire a better understanding of how the holistic health industry in America functio …
Fernando Lopez: Feathers of Condor
On 25 November 1975, representatives of five South American intelligence services held a secret meeting in the city of Santiago, Chile. At the end of the gathering, the participating delegations agre …
Fernando Lopez: Cold Sand
This is a romantic thriller. It takes you on a journey of desire through a young man’s perspective that leads to the unexpected. It builds and takes you to a dark corner that no one wants to be in. T …
Fernando Lopez & Roberto Marti Obiol: Esophageal Cancer
There are not many books published about esophageal cancer. Esophageal cancer is an entity that must be treated from a multimodal approach. Recent advances in diagnosis, anesthetic aspects and periop …
Fernando Lopez: 40 Years are Nothing
The 1973 coups d’etat in Uruguay and Chile were significantly different from other military coups in Latin America. These two dictatorial regimes began a new era in the subcontinent. They became stau …
Marta S. Marin & Sara L Torres: Genetic Predisposition to Disease
A genetic predisposition is a genetic effect which influences the phenotype of an organism but which can be modified by the environmental conditions. Genetic testing is able to identify individuals w …
Fernando Lopez: Morelos. Sacerdote y general del Mexico insurgente
Este libro narra la vida de Jose Maria Morelos, religioso, politico y militar mexicano, caudillo de la independencia de Mexico y gran organizador de la segunda etapa de la lucha independentista mexic …