How can we speak of God as Father in a world that is inhumane? While many engagements with Gutiérrez’s theology centre on such themes as the option for the poor, the role of praxis, or the Kingdom of God, in Gustavo Gutiérrez and the Liberative Sight of Christ Luke Foster explores the underlying theological convictions and commitments within which these concepts cohere. By developing an analysis that is attentive to the unity and coherence of Gutiérrez’s thought, Foster resources a critique that is distinctive not only in its pertinence but also in the possibilities that it opens for the development of his project in the future. Innovatively offering a systemic account of Gutiérrez’s theology, this book offers both an indispensable overview for those who are engaging with Gutiérrez for the first time and a distinctive analysis for those who are seeking to deepen their understanding of his work.
About the author
Revd Dr Luke Foster is a curate and part-time tutor for the Cornhill Training Course, having spent seven years in Chile teaching at the Centre for Pastoral Studies.