Detection and characterization of bone tumors with imaging remains a big challenge for every radiologist notwithstanding the impressive progress achieved by the introduction of several new imaging modalities. Moreover, new concepts in surgical and oncological treatment of these lesions require from the radiologist appropriate and focused answers to the specifc questions asked by the referring physicians in order to choose the best therapeutic approach for the in- vidual patient. Tis comprehensive textbook describes in detail the possibilities and limits of all moda- ties, including MRI, CT, nuclear medicine and interventional radiological procedures, employed for the modern imaging of tumoral and tumor-like lesions of bone. Teir role in the diagnosis, surgical staging, biopsy and assessment of response to therapy is discussed in detail, covering all tumor subtypes as well as their specifc anatomical location.Well selected and technically imp- cable illustrations strongly enhance the didactic value of this work. I am very much indebted and grateful to the three editors: A. Mark Davies, Murali Sundaram and Steven L. J. James, world authorities in musculoskeletal radiology, for their superb scientifc achievement in preparing and editing this wonderful volume as well as for their individual ch- ters. I would also like to thank the large international group of collaborating authors, who are also widely acknowledged for their specifc expertise in the area of bone tumors, for their outstanding contributions.
Table des matières
Bone Tumors: Epidemiology, Classification, Pathology.- Computed Tomography of Bone Tumours.- Imaging Techniques: Magnetic Resonance Imaging.- Nuclear Medicine.- Ultrasonography.- Interventional Techniques.- Principles of Detection and Diagnosis.- Biopsy.- Surgical Staging 1: Primary Tumour.- Surgical Staging 2: Metastatic Disease.- Assessment of Response to Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy.- Assessment of Locally Recurrent Disease.- Cartilage Tumours.- Osseous Tumors.- Fibrogenic and Fibrohistiocytic Tumors.- Giant Cell Tumor.- Ewing Sarcoma/PNET Tumors.- Hematopoietic Tumors.- Angiomatous Neoplasms of the Skeletal System.- Notochordal Tumours.- Smooth Muscle Tumors.- Lipogenic Tumours of Bone.- Fibrous Dysplasia, Osteofibrous Dysplasia, and Adamantinoma.- Cystic Lesions of Bone.- Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis.- Bone Metastases 1: Spine.- Bone Metastases 2: Pelvis and Appendicular Skeleton.- Radiation-Induced Tumours.- Tumour and Tumour-like Conditions Associated with Paget’s Disease of Bone.- Reactive, Metabolic, and Tumor-Like Lesions of Bone.- Tumours of the Ribs and Clavicle.- Scapula.- Anatomical Considerations: Spine and Sacrum.- Bony Pelvis.- Hand and Wrist.- Tumours and Tumour-Like Lesions of the Patella.- Tumours of the Foot.- Compartmental Anatomy.- Who Was Who in Bone Tumours.