Since its timid introduction onto the EC agenda in 1974, reconciliation of work and family life has developed into a fully-articulated principle. This book explores this journey and its implications for the EC legal order and society. It argues that as reconciliation issues continue to evolve they require constant reassessment.
Table des matières
Introduction: Reconciling Work and Family Life: Old Problems and New Challenges The Development of the Reconciliation Principle in EU Discourse The Leave Provisions The Time Provisions The Care Strategy Conclusions
A propos de l’auteur
EUGENIA CARACCIOLO DI TORELLA is Lecturer in Law at the University of Leicester, UK. Her main area of research is how the principle of gender equality applies to different areas of law. Eugenia has published extensively in this area and has participated in Commission-funded research projects.
ANNICK MASSELOT is Senior Lecturer in European law at the University of Leeds, UK. Her research interests focus on EU law, gender equality and equal treatment, social law, reconciliation of work and family life, pregnancy and maternity rights.