William J. Miller is assistant professor of public administration at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida. He received his doctorate in 2010 in public administration and urban studies from The University of Akron along with a master’s degree in applied politics (campaign management and polling). He had previously earned his B.A. from the Ohio University Honors Tutorial College and an M.A. in political science also from Ohio. He is the editor of Tea Party Effects on 2010 U.S. Senate Elections: Stuck in the Middle to Lose (Lexington 2012), Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Public Administration & Policy (Mc Graw Hill 2012), The Battle to Face Obama: The 2012 Republican Nomination and the Future of the Republican Party (Lexington Forthcoming), The Tea Party in 2012: The Party Rolls On (Lexington Forthcoming), and Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Political Science and International Relations (Edward Elgar Forthcoming). His research appears in Journal of Political Science Education, Journal of Political Marketing, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, International Studies Quarterly, Nonproliferation Review, Afro-Americans in New York Life and History, Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, American Behavioral Scientist, PS: Political Science and Politics and Journal of Common Market Studies.Jeremy D. Walling is associate professor of political science at Southeast Missouri State University. He received his Ph.D. in 2005 from the University of Kansas and his M.P.A. from Missouri State University in 1998. He studies American national institutions, state politics and intergovernmental relations, and public administration ethics and accountability. He was co-editor (with William J. Miller) of Tea Party Effects on 2010 U.S. Senate Elections: Stuck in the Middle To Lose (Lexington Books) and Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Public Administration and Policy (Mc Graw-Hill). Book chapters have been published in The Battle to Face Obama: The 2012 Republican Nomination (Lexington), Teaching Politics Beyond the Book (Continuum), and The Constitutionalism of American States (University of Missouri Press). His work has also appeared in The Handbook of Administrative Ethics and Public Personnel Management, both with H. George Frederickson.
27 Ebooks par Adam Brown
William J. Miller & Jeremy D. Walling: Political Battle over Congressional Redistricting
John Engler, former Governor of Michigan, once claimed that redistricting is one of the purest actions a legislative body can take. Academicians and political leaders alike, however, have regularly d …
Adam Brown: Judging ‘Privileged’ Jews
The Nazis’ persecution of the Jews during the Holocaust included the creation of prisoner hierarchies that forced victims to cooperate with their persecutors. Many in the camps and ghettos came to ho …
Adam Cheal: Redemption Heights
Welcome to Redemption Heights, the home and base of operations for the beings charged with collecting the souls of humanity. One such collector is Dana, a dark Angel of death. When a collector named …
Adam Brown: Fanatics
Embracing studies of football fans across Europe, this book tackles questions of power, national and regional identities, and race and racism, highlighting the changing role of fans in the game. Comb …
Adam Brown: Fanatics
Embracing studies of football fans across Europe, this book tackles questions of power, national and regional identities, and race and racism, highlighting the changing role of fans in the game. Comb …
Adam Brown: Fanatics
Embracing studies of football fans across Europe, this book tackles questions of power, national and regional identities, and race and racism, highlighting the changing role of fans in the game. Comb …
Adam Brown: Pronunciation and Phonetics
This engaging, succinct text is an introduction to both phonetics and phonology as applied to the teaching of pronunciation to English language learners. Section 1 selectively covers the main areas o …
Adam Brown: Pronunciation and Phonetics
This engaging, succinct text is an introduction to both phonetics and phonology as applied to the teaching of pronunciation to English language learners. Section 1 selectively covers the main areas o …
Adam Brown & Tim Crabbe: Football and Community in the Global Context
Football clubs across the world continue to embody many of the collective symbols, identifications and processes of connectivity which have long been associated with the notion of ‘community’. In rec …
Adam Brown & Tim Crabbe: Football and Community in the Global Context
Football clubs across the world continue to embody many of the collective symbols, identifications and processes of connectivity which have long been associated with the notion of ‘community’. In rec …
Adam Brown: Understanding and Teaching English Spelling
Concise and engaging, this text provides pre-service and practicing English language teachers with the knowledge they need to successfully teach the spelling of English. Offering context and explanat …
Adam Brown: Understanding and Teaching English Spelling
Concise and engaging, this text provides pre-service and practicing English language teachers with the knowledge they need to successfully teach the spelling of English. Offering context and explanat …
Adam Brown: A kód
Az izgalmas, néhol humoros, de romantikus szálat sem nélkülöző kalandregényből keményen visszaköszönnek a mai világunkat is uraló bankoligarchia gaztettei és manipulációi, a geológiai és időjárás-feg …
Adam Brown: Memory Palace
Learn how you can enhance your brain to take in more information and store them for a very long time and how to retrieve information at any time, no matter how long it has been stored Today only, get …
Adam Brown: Activities and Exercises for Teaching English Pronunciation
This book is a practical, comprehensive tool for busy teachers or educators teaching English pronunciation. Brown puts pronunciation into perspective with other aspects of language, highlighting the …
Adam Brown: Activities and Exercises for Teaching English Pronunciation
This book is a practical, comprehensive tool for busy teachers or educators teaching English pronunciation. Brown puts pronunciation into perspective with other aspects of language, highlighting the …
Adam Brown: A képlet
Egy szabadságszerető kutatómérnök és csapatának viszontagságai a bankok és politika becstelen világában, miközben az összeomló világrend hozadékaival szembeszállva egy rejtélyes képlet segítségével f …
Adam Brown: Catabolism
Catabolism is a biological procedure wherein the human body metabolizes complex nutrients to create energy. In essence, what once was God is burnt down by a legion of tortured youth to make way for t …
Adam Brown: A teremtő bűne
Egy véletlen folytán a mesterséges intelligencia öntudatra ébred és átveszi a hatalmat, hogy puszta jó szándékból megmentse a Földet és az emberiséget. Megteremt egy olyan világot, melyet az internet …