Auteur: Adele Nye

Jennifer Clark is Head of Humanities at the University of Adelaide. She has taught history in universities for over 25 years. She is a recipient of the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and a national Carrick Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning. She was a partner on the ALTC funded project After Standards and the OLT funded project In the Beginning: Renewing first year curriculum for social sciences and humanities in the context of discipline threshold standards.Adele Nye is a senior lecturer in Contextual Studies at the School of Education at the University of New England, Armidale, NSW. For more than two decades, her research has focused on historical thinking and history education in the Australian higher education sector. She was the primary investigator in an ALTC funded national project called Historical Thinking in Higher Education. Her current research examines perceptions of evidence, theory and influence in the disicipline in Australia and Northern Europe.  She is a member of the Australasian HIST-SoTL committee.

2 Ebooks par Adele Nye

Jennifer Clark & Adele Nye: Teaching the Discipline of History in an Age of Standards
This book discusses the discipline standards of History in Australian universities in order to help historians understand the Threshold Learning Outcomes and to assist in their practical application. …
Adele Nye & Jennifer Clark: Teaching History for the Contemporary World
This book brings together history educators from Australia and around the world to tell their own personal stories and how they approach teaching history in the context of contemporary tensions in th …