Auteur: Amanda Baker

Robert Schleip ist der führende Faszienforscher Deutschlands, promovierter Humanbiologe, Certified Rolfer und Diplom-Psychologe. An der Universität Ulm leitet er als Wissenschaftler seine eigene Faszien-Forschungsgruppe, zusätzlich arbeitet er als Manualtherapeut in eigener Rolfing-Praxis. Als Dozent hält er Vorträge im Bereich Physiotherapie, Trainingswissenschaft sowie Osteopathie und arbeitet zusammen mit Wissenschaftlern und Therapeuten in einem weltweiten Netzwerk an der Erforschung des Bindegewebes. Er ist Autor zahlreicher Bücher, darunter der Bestseller Faszien-Fitness. Amanda Baker ist eine erfahrene Yoga- und Pilateslehrerin. Seit ihrem Masterabschluss ist sie als freie Journalistin für Gesundheits- und Fitnessthemen tätig. Sie ist als Fascial Fitness Trainer zertifiziert.

7 Ebooks par Amanda Baker

Amanda Baker & Richard Velleman: Clinical Handbook of Co-existing Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Problems
Co-existing mental health and drug and alcohol problems occur frequently in primary care and clinical settings. Despite this, health professionals rarely receive training in how to detect, assess and …
Amanda Baker & Richard Velleman: Clinical Handbook of Co-existing Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Problems
Co-existing mental health and drug and alcohol problems occur frequently in primary care and clinical settings. Despite this, health professionals rarely receive training in how to detect, assess and …
Amanda Baker & Richard Velleman: Clinical Handbook of Co-existing Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Problems
Co-existing mental health and drug and alcohol problems occur frequently in primary care and clinical settings. Despite this, health professionals rarely receive training in how to detect, assess and …
Amanda Baker & Robert Schleip: Fascia in Sport and Movement, Second edition
Fascia in Sport and Movement, Second edition is a multi-author book with contributions from 51 leading teachers and practitioners across the entire spectrum of bodywork and movement professions. It p …
Amanda Baker: What is Another Word for Intimacy?
What is Another Word for Intimacy? by Amanda Baker came to fruition after years of not writing. As a child and teenager, Amanda had a passion for writing that got lost amidst the illusion of glamor i …
Stephanie Rivera & Anastasia Prokaieva: Databricks ML in Action
Discover what makes the Databricks Data Intelligence Platform the go-to choice for top-tier machine learning solutions. Written by a team of industry experts at Databricks with decades of combined ex …