It’s easy to get discouraged at the reports of continuing decay in our inner cities and impoverished rural areas. Yet in the midst of the dark realities, some churches are transforming lives and reclaiming communities through effective, holistic ministries.
‘Restorers of Hope’ tells their stories and identifies the keys to their success. And it goes further by challenging churches to take up Christ’s command to love your neighbor and offering specific, practical guidance on how to reach out. By understanding the challenges of persistent poverty – and the opportunities afforded by welfare reform – you and your church will be better equipped to engage in redemptive ministry that presents the gospel as the true solution.
A propos de l’auteur
Amy L. Sherman is a Senior Fellow at the Sagamore Institute for Policy Research, where she directs the Center on Faith in Communities. Named by Christianity Today in 2012 as one of the fifty most influential Evangelical women in America, Sherman is the author of six books and over eighty articles in a variety of Christian and secular periodicals including First Things, Books & Culture, The Public Interest, The Christian Century, Philanthropy magazine, Prism, and Christianity Today. Sherman’s most recent book, Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good seeks to help marketplace Christians live missionally, advancing foretastes of the Kingdom of God through the strategic deployment of their vocational power. It was recently awarded ‘Book of the Year’ status in the Christian living category by Christianity Today. Sherman is the founder and former Executive Director of Charlottesville Abundant Life Ministries (CALM), an Evangelical nonprofit assisting low-income, inner-city families. She also serves as a Senior Fellow for the International Justice Mission, a Christian human rights agency. She is a long-time member of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Charlottesville, VA. Her life verse is Micah 6:8 (‘He has shown you, O Man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God’). Her undergraduate degree is from Messiah College (1987) and her MA and Ph D are from the University of Virginia (1991, 1994).