"To be an effective mentor takes time and training. It requires a whole new set of skills. Maximum Mentoring offers an array of training strategies for mentors, and helps to codify what it means to be an effective mentor." -From the Foreword by Ellen Moir, Executive Director The New Teacher Center University of California, Santa Cruz What worries and activities did you think about most during your student teaching experience? What were your most consistent concerns? Your own exper...
"To be an effective mentor takes time and training. It requires a whole new set of skills. Maximum Mentoring offers an array of training strategies for mentors, and helps to codify what it means to be an effective mentor." -From the Foreword by Ellen Moir, Executive Director The New Teacher Center University of California, Santa Cruz What worries and activities did you think about most during your student teaching experience? What were your most consistent concerns? Your own experience as a student teacher is vital in the success of our next generation of teachers. New teacher development requires intensive levels of one-to-one training and mentoring. Maximum Mentoring provides you, the mentor, with an action guide through the complexities of the school-based mentoring process to ensure maximum success for both mentor and mentee. This excellent resource features: Step-by-step guidance for one-on-one mentoring and supervision of student teachers and novice teachers, including clear coverage of rules, roles, relationships, responsibilities, and procedures Hands-on essentials, such as reproducible forms, checklists, activities, answers to frequently asked questions, and reflective exercises for mentor and mentee Input on school-university supervisory partnerships Information on observation and feedback, formative assessment, summative evaluation, and professional growth and development Suggestions for working with struggling students and novice teachers As a mentor, you provide leadership by guiding the classroom-based portion of student teachers’ professional education as well as collaborative opportunities for new teachers to explore and reflect on their practice in a safe setting. The purpose of this essential text is to provide support for you as you support future teacher development.