Andreia de Bem Machado - Researcher at the Intelligence, Management and Technology for Innovation Research Center – IGTI at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Adjunct Professor and research coordinator Faculdade Anasps Brasília – Brazil. She is an evaluator of higher education institutions for the Brazilian Ministry of Education. Teaching Directorate of the Municipal Department of Education of Palhoça – Santa Catarina – Brazil. She was part of the technical commission for the National Textbook Program of the Ministry of Education. She elaborated didactic material for people with low vision deficiency at UNESCO. Her research interests include: innovation, education, digital transformation, management, hybrid education, digital technologies, active methodology, knowledge media, entrepreneurship and knowledge management.
Maria José Sousa (Ph D in Management with Habilitation in Management and Public MAnagement) is Pro-Rector for the Development of Distance Learning and a professor and a research fellow at ISCTE/Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. She is also an expert in digital education and digital skills, as she has assumed a post-Doc position from 2016-2018, researching that field, with several publications in journals with high impact factor (Journal of Business Research, Journal of Grid Computing, Future Generation Computer Systems, and others). Worked as an expert, in a project of the European Commission for the creation of a new category regarding digital skills to be integrated with the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS). She was a member of the Coordinator Committee of the Ph.D. in Management at Universidade Europeia. She was also a Senior Researcher at GEE (Research Office) in the Portuguese Ministry of Economy, responsible for Innovation, Research, and Entrepreneurship Policies, and a Knowledge and Competencies Manager at AMA, IP, Public Reform Agency (Ministry of the Presidency and the Ministers Council). She was also a Project Manager at the Ministry of Labor and Employment, responsible for Innovation, and Evaluation and Development of the Qualifications Projects. Her research interests currently are public policies of Innovation and Education. She is a best seller author in Research Methods, ICT and People Management and has co-authored over 100 articles and book chapters in high-level journals (as the European Planning Studies, Information Systems Frontiers, Systems Research, and Behavioral Science, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, Future Generation Computer Systems, and others), and is the guest-editor of more than 5 Special Issues from Elsevier and Springer. Is the former President of the ISO/TC 260 – Human Resources Management, representing Portugal in the International Organization for Standardization. She was/is the coordinator of several European projects of innovation (funded by programs as Erasmus +, Horizon Europe, and ICMPD) and is also External Expert of COST Association – European Cooperation in Science and Technology.
Francesca Dal Mas is a Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Strategy at the Department of Management of the Ca » Foscari University of Venice, Italy. Prior to joining Ca » Foscari, she was a Senior Lecturer in Strategy and Enterprise at the Lincoln International Business School of the University of Lincoln, UK. Her research interests include, in particular, the impact of new technologies on business models, sustainability, and gender issues. Although she deals with all types of organizations in many sectors, she specializes in the healthcare sector. In this context, she collaborates with leading international institutions, including Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts General Hospital, the University of Stanford, the University of Chicago, and the IHU Strasbourg. She is co-chair of the Healthcare Transformation Lab of the Institute for Transformative Innovation Research (ITIR) of the University of Pavia, Italy, and she is a member of the Ph D board in New Public Management of the University of Milan – Bicocca, Italy.
Silvana Secinaro - Professor in business administration and accounting at the University of Torino, Department of Management. Chartered accountant and auditor, freelance journalist, and author of numerous publications on public and private accounting and new technologies impact on conservative businesses. Component of National Commission of Italian Ministry of Finance on public accounting. Finally, over the years, she has been the scientific coordinator of multiple European projects, such as H2020 Avangard, to study proper business models for electric mobility and an Erasmus + on social entrepreneurship.
Davide Calandra - Assistant Professor in business administration and accounting at the University of Torino – Department of Management. Co-lecturer in the Ph D Program in Torino and didactic programs in several institutions such as Wroclaw University of Business and Economics, University of Palermo and the University of Torino. His research interests cover new technologies applications in ac- counting, auditing and accountability, and the application and management of new technologies in the health sector such as blockchain and artificial intelligence. Finally, he also deals with the Islamic economy and finance field.
4 Ebooks par Andreia de Bem Machado
Andreia de Bem Machado: Contemporary Challenges in Digital Education
This book discusses the main digital pedagogies applied to higher education through a bibliometric review and identifies the digital tools and methodologies teachers have used online and intend to ke …
Gertrudes Aparecida Dandolini & Andreia de Bem Machado: Technologies for Sustainable Global Higher Education
Digital technologies are influencing the way we learn, live, work, and exist in different contexts of society in the digital age. There are a variety of learning systems that support innovative digit …
Gertrudes Aparecida Dandolini & Andreia de Bem Machado: Technologies for Sustainable Global Higher Education
Digital technologies are influencing the way we learn, live, work, and exist in different contexts of society in the digital age. There are a variety of learning systems that support innovative digit …
Andreia de Bem Machado & Maria José Sousa: Digital Transformation in Higher Education Institutions
This book analyzes digital technologies being used in the teaching-learning process. The authors show how the use of AI in higher education can provide personalized education through the automation o …