This book focuses on perspectives from and on the global south, providing fresh data and analyses on languages in African, Caribbean, Middle-Eastern and Asian tourism contexts. It provides a critical perspective on tourism in postcolonial and neocolonial settings, explored through in-depth case studies. The volume offers a multifaceted view on how language commodifies, and is commodified in, tourism settings and considers language practices and discourse as a way of constructing identities, boundaries and places. It also reflects on academic practice and economic dynamics in a field that is characterised by social inequalities and injustice, and tourism as the world’s largest industry enacting dynamic communicative, social and cultural transformations. The book will appeal to both undergraduate and postgraduate students of tourism studies, linguistics, literature, cultural history and anthropology, as well as researchers and professionals in these fields.
Table des matières
Preface. Tawona Sitholé: cape coast caper
Chapter 1. Angelika Mietzner & Anne Storch: Linguistic Entanglements, Emblematic Codes and Representation in Tourism: Introduction
Chapter 2. Christiane M. Bongartz: Transformations of the ‘Tourist Gaze’: Landscaping and the Linguist Behind the Lens
Chapter 3. Luís Cronopio: Backpacking Performances: An Empirical Contribution
Chapter 4. Sara Zavaree: ‘We have our own Africans’: Public Displays of Zār in Iran
Chapter 5. Angelika Mietzner: Cameras as Barriers of Understanding: Reflections on a Philanthropic Journey to Kenya
Chapter 6. Anne Storch: Heritage Tourism and the Freak Show: A Study on Names, Horror, Race and Gender
Chapter 7. Raymund Vitorio: Postcolonial Performativity in the Philippine Heritage Tourism Industry
Chapter 8. Nico Nassenstein: The Hakuna Matata Swahili: Linguistic Souvenirs from the Kenyan Coast
Afterword. Adam Jaworski: Between Silence and Noise: Towards an Entangled Sociolinguistics of Tourism
Bookend. Alison Phipps: cape ghost
A propos de l’auteur
Anne Storch is Full Professor in Afrikanistik / African Linguistics at the University of Cologne, Germany. Her research focuses on linguistic manipulation and marginalized languages, linguistic typology, colonial linguistics and anthropological linguistics.