keto CONTINUUM shares David’s ketogenic journey from failing health to vibrancy. Author and internal medicine physician, Annette Bosworth, M.D., (Dr. Boz), uses the steps outlined in the keto CONTINUUM to improve her patients’ health at her clinic, Meaningful Medicine, located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.
keto CONTINUUM uses David’s story to escort the reader through a story of resurrecting health. Dr. Bosworth captures your curiosity while teaching a step-by-step process to stay consistently keto. From mindset and behaviors, to support systems and conflict, keto CONTINUUM walks the reader through Dr. Bosworth’s revolutionary protocol she practices at her medical clinic. keto CONTINUUM combines the latest developments in brain research, sleep, and keto-chemistry’s impact on health. Why? To teach the reader how to reverse insulin-based illnesses once thought impossible to heal, such as obesity, depression, unhealthy livers, inflammation, leaky gut syndrome, and autoimmune diseases. This relatable story teaches how to succeed using ketogenic nutrition, overcome common ketosis pitfalls, and sustain your vitality. The story of David engages the reader as Dr. Boz weaves clever analogies and science-lessons into the book.
keto CONTINUUM dispels myths, fears, and ill-conceived paradigms about the ketogenic process that impede success. Learn why fat-fuel outperforms carbohydrate-fuel. This comprehensive book also persuasively argues why the term ‘ketogenic-diet’ misleads many and offers a more nuanced and precise definition that makes sense to the reader.
keto CONTINUUM not just educates the reader on how to heal and maintain optimal health; it methodically systematically takes them through a proven and responsible step-by-step sequence that implements the keto CONTINUUM methodology. A workbook and mini-video tutorials also accompany this book. Take this journey with other ‘Neurons’ by joining Dr. Boz’s support group for every step of the keto CONTINUUM.
After reading keto CONTINUUM, you will take control and improve your health one ketone at a time.
Table des matières
Chapter 1 —————————————————–DAVID
Chapter 2—————————————————WHY SHOULD YOU CARE
Chapter 3 —————————————————WRITE DOWN YOUR WHY
Chapter 4 ————————————————- FORM YOUR TRIBE
Chapter 5 ————————————————– THROW AWAY THE PINE NEEDLES
Chapter 6 ————————————————– INSULIN IS KING
Chapter 7 ————————————————–SHOW ME YOUR MITOCHONDRIA
Chapter 8 ————————————————–BEFORE YOU START
Chapter 9————————————————–DAVID’S DAY 1
Chapter 10 ————————————————DAY 2: PINK PEETONES
Chapter 11————————————————-THE PRICE OF FAT & NOT-SO-HAPPY
Chapter 12 ————————————————DAY 3 PRAY FOR PINK
Chapter 13 ————————————————DAY 4 OH POOP!
Chapter 14 ———————————————– PULL THIS CHORD IF YOU NEED HELP
Chapter 15 ————————————————DAY 5, 6, 7 MAGNESIUM
Chapter 16 ———————————————–DAY 8, 9, 10 CRAVING PITFALLS
Chapter 17————————————————keto CONTINUUM
Chapter 18———————————————— CALORIES SCHMALORIES
Chapter 19 ———————————————–DAVID’S TRIBE
Chapter 20———————————————- WEEK 6: DAVID’S TIPPING POINT
Chapter 21 ————————————————DAVID & DR. STENT
Chapter 22 ———————————————– DAVID’S CHOLESTEROL
Chapter 23 ———————————————-keto CONTINUUM #5 16:8
Chapter 24 ———————————————–375 DR. BOZ RATIO –MEASURE YOUR INSULIN
Chapter 25 ———————————————–keto CONTINUUM #6 CLEAN UP YOUR MORNING DRINK
Chapter 26———————————————–keto CONTINUUM #7 23:1
Chapter 27 ———————————————-keto CONTINUUM #8 ADVANCED 23:1
Chapter 28 ———————————————-keto CONTINUUM #9 36-HOUR FAST
Chapter 29 ———————————————–DAVID’S AUTOPHAGY
Chapter 30 ———————————————–ADVANCED METABOLIC BURSTS
Chapter 31 ————————————————510 ROOM 2-125 510
A propos de l’auteur
Annette Bosworth was born into a farming family in rural South Dakota inheriting hard work and the expectations that all things are teachable. Throughout her medical training and career, she applied her inheritance to teach patients through storytelling and practical application of medical jargon.
Dr. Bosworth has worked as an Assistant Professor and Medical Doctor in Internal Medicine helping students and patients combat chronic diseases such as obesity, depression, autoimmune problems, and addiction.
keto CONTINUUM is a comprehensive resource patients and patient-educators can use to prevent and reverse illnesses of aging. David was obese, depressed, and headed for a heart attack. Keto chemistry pumped life back into his brain, relationships, and business. Dr Bosworth uses David’s story to teach how to implement keto chemistry and stay consistently keto. Based on research in neuroscience, metabolism, substance abuse, diabetes, and psychology, this essential guide provides evidence-based strategies and practical tools to understand, support, and educate resilient, healthy lives. This guidebook reflects the actionable steps used in Dr Bosworth’s clinic -from preparing for success, to navigating the transition into ketosis, to forming a support group.
keto CONTINUUM is a brilliant resource for anyone who wants healthy, happy, and inflammation-free lives.