Auteur: Anthony J. W. Hall

Shyam S. Yadav is International Advisor in Agriculture at Civilian Technical Assistance Program, General Directorate of Programs, Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation & Livestock, Kabul, Afghanistan Robert Redden is a Curator of genetic resources at the Australian Temperate and Field Crops Collection (ATFCC), Department of Primary Industries, Australia Jerry L. Hatfield is Laboratory Director and Supervisory Plant Physiologist at the USDA-Agriculture Research Service, United States of America Hermann Lotze-Campen is a Group Leader in Earth System Analysis at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany Anthony Hall is Emeritus Professor of Plant Physiology at the Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California Riverside, California, United States of America

2 Ebooks par Anthony J. W. Hall

Shyam Singh Yadav & Robert Redden: Crop Adaptation to Climate Change
A major task of our time is to ensure adequate food supplies for the world’s current population (now nearing 7 billion) in a sustainable way while protecting the vital functions and biological …
Anthony J. W. Hall & Harriet G. McWatters: Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 21, Endogenous Plant Rhythms
Our knowledge of the circadian clock in plants has advanced considerably in recent years and we now have a clearer view of the biochemical processes making up its mechanism. Recent work provides …