England, 1805What will a libertine look like? A "real" libertine? That’s what Victoria asks herself, after years of forbidden reading at boarding school, when she discovers that Jared Lennox, brother-in-law of her brother-in-law and notorious London libertine, is staying with her at the Killmore mansion.Injured in a duel, the young man is practically segregated in his rooms… what harm could there be in sneaking up on him, just to have a peek?What was supposed to be a little stunt without consequences is only the beginning of a series of misunderstandings and misinterpretations that seems to lead the couple, step by step, towards an inexorable altar.But will the idea of a shotgun wedding be so unpleasant for the two?Under the watchful eye of the formidable Aunt Erinyes, who is determined to separate what God has not yet united, if she deems it inappropriate, Victoria and Jared’s will be a journey towards getting to know each other, but above all towards growing self-awareness.A tale from another time. A love story out of time.An aunt everyone wishes they had.