This volume presents selected papers presented during the First Asian Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality (ACIEQ). The contents cover themes of indoor air quality monitoring and modeling; the influence of confounding factors like thermal comfort parameters, such as temperature and relative humidity with respect to different building types, e.g., residential, commercial, institutional; ventilation characteristics, lighting and acoustics. It also focuses on people’s performance, productivity, and behavior with respect to their exposure to various indoor air pollutants and parameters influencing the overall indoor environmental quality. This volume is primarily aimed at researchers working in environmental science and engineering, building architecture and design, HVAC and ventilation, public health, and epidemiology. The contents of this volume will also be useful to policy makers working on occupational health and building codes.
Table des matières
Comparison of Indoor Air Quality for Air Conditioned and Naturally Ventilated Office Spaces in Urban Area.- Status of Carbonaceous Aerosol at Indoor Environment of a Cafeteria in Delhi, India-A Case Study.- Assessment of Indoor Fine and Ultra-Fine Particulate Matter in a Research Laboratory.- Air Pollution in Rural Households Due to Solid Biomass Fuel Use and Its Health Impacts.- Characteristics of PM from Different South Indian Cooking Methods and Implications in Health Effects.- Chamber Studies for Indoor Air Quality Modeling and Monitoring.- Hospital Indoor Air Quality in Respect to Transmission of Infection.- Environmental Monitoring Of PM2.5 and CO2 in Indoor Office Spaces of Delhi, India.- Examination of Particle Characteristics and Quantification of Emission Factors for Smoke Generated From a Popular Indian Incense Burnt in An Experimental Chamber.- Comparison of Efficiency of Active and Passive Method of Bioaerosols Estimation.
A propos de l’auteur
Arun Kumar Sharma is a Professor in the Department of Community Medicine and Head of the Department of Bio-statistics and Medical Informatics at the University College of Medical Sciences, India. He has done his MBBS from University of Calcutta and MD and DNBE in community medicine from Banaras Hindu University, in addition to having done fellowships with the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champain (USA), University of Pennsylvania (USA), and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (USA). Prof Sharma’s research work studies the impact of pollutants on the respiratory health of urban populations as well as the impact of HIV and diabetes.
Radha Goyal is the Deputy Director of the Indian Pollution Control Association (IPCA), where she is responsible for all research and development related activities and projects of IPCA in area of air and waste management. Dr Goyal is in charge of the Air Quality Management Services (AQMS) division of IPCA, specifically working on indoor air quality, in addition to being a principal investigator for a number of projects mapping air quality in Delhi NCR and assessing its impact. She has done her Ph D from the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.
Richie Mittal is the Managing Director of Over Drive Engineering Private Limited, which specialized in energy efficient design and engineering of air conditioning and cooling systems for enclosed facilities. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Indoor Air Quality Association (USA), and is a member of many professional societies and associations.